In Case You Didn't Realize How Messed Up Harry Potter's Life Is, Here Are 5 Examples
In Case You Didn't Realize How Messed Up Harry Potter's Life Is, Here Are 5 Examples
Every year is an adventure in the Harry Potter world, and in adventures it's normal for people to get hurt.
5 Similarities Between Twilight & Harry Potter You Won't Be Able to Unsee
5 Similarities Between Twilight & Harry Potter You Won't Be Able to Unsee
What do Harry Potter and Twilight have in common?
5 Iconic Rom-Com Stars Hollywood Just Won't Cast Anymore
5 Iconic Rom-Com Stars Hollywood Just Won't Cast Anymore
The saying goes that every dog has its day. And in the acting world, that means that some major stars seem to fall out of favour – often inexplicably.
The 8 Most Overrated Moments in the Harry Potter Series
The 8 Most Overrated Moments in the Harry Potter Series
The Harry Potter franchise has one of the biggest and most passionate fan bases in the world, but not even they can argue that some moments in the franchise received far too much hype.
The Worst Advice Given in Harry Potter (We're Looking at You, Dumbledore)
The Worst Advice Given in Harry Potter (We're Looking at You, Dumbledore)
Dumbledore was one of the wisest and most powerful characters throughout the Harry Potter series.
We Might Just Get Teen Wolf Movie Sequel After All, if Tyler Posey to Be Believed
We Might Just Get Teen Wolf Movie Sequel After All, if Tyler Posey to Be Believed
Fans hope that the second spin-off movie will become a reality.
Without Edward's Stalker Vibes, Is Twilight TV Reboot Even Worth Watching?
Without Edward's Stalker Vibes, Is Twilight TV Reboot Even Worth Watching?
Fans feel that Edward Cullen must remain problematic, weird, and obsessive if the new Twilight series is to succeed.
Emma Thompson Has a Famous Sister Who Also Starred in Harry Potter – But Nobody Noticed
Emma Thompson Has a Famous Sister Who Also Starred in Harry Potter – But Nobody Noticed
It's easy to get outshined starring in a hit movie next to your famous sibling.
Everything Twilight Cast Said About Potentially Reprising Their Roles
Everything Twilight Cast Said About Potentially Reprising Their Roles
Is a Twilight revival starring the beloved cast possible?
Here's What It Would Take To Get Taylor Lautner Back in Twilight
Here's What It Would Take To Get Taylor Lautner Back in Twilight
A new Twilight series is rumoured, and fans are eager to know if their favourite actors will reprise their roles.