The Curse of Acting or Just Really Bad Luck? Stars Who Repeated Their Character's Fate
The Curse of Acting or Just Really Bad Luck? Stars Who Repeated Their Character's Fate
Is it pure coincidence or a case of art imitating life for these stars?
The Weirdest Celebrity Phobias That Will Make You Feel Normal
The Weirdest Celebrity Phobias That Will Make You Feel Normal
They are just like the rest of us.
From School Rejects to Superstars: 8 Celebrities Who Were Outcasts as Kids
From School Rejects to Superstars: 8 Celebrities Who Were Outcasts as Kids
It just goes to show, being the weird kid can sometimes pay off in the end.
Then and Now: 9 Actresses Almost Unrecognizable in Their First Roles
Then and Now: 9 Actresses Almost Unrecognizable in Their First Roles
Even the brightest stars started small.
Then and Now: See the Cast of Twilight 15 Years Later
Then and Now: See the Cast of Twilight 15 Years Later
How the actors of the vampire saga look these days.
5 Celebs Who Were Rich Long Before They Were Famous
5 Celebs Who Were Rich Long Before They Were Famous
Some stars were not poor at all before their careers began.
5 Brutally Honest Movies About Depression and Mental Health
5 Brutally Honest Movies About Depression and Mental Health
Movies in which characters experience depression in different ways and find a way out of it.
8 Cringiest Movie Couples of Modern Cinema
8 Cringiest Movie Couples of Modern Cinema
Many viewers do not believe in love between the characters.
15 Celebs Who Were Bullied in High School
15 Celebs Who Were Bullied in High School
Many of them were outcasts as children.
7 Movies and TV Shows About The Royal Family to Watch After The Crown
7 Movies and TV Shows About The Royal Family to Watch After The Crown
Court intrigue, intricate conspiracies and politics.