10 Oscar-Nominated Movies That Didn't Live Up to the Hype
10 Oscar-Nominated Movies That Didn't Live Up to the Hype
It's not like these movies are extremely overrated; it's just… we were kind of waiting for more after all that hype.
Apocalypse Meh: 10 Disappointing End of the World Movies
Apocalypse Meh: 10 Disappointing End of the World Movies
The apocalypse is a perennial favorite in the cinematic world - and for a good reason.  It's an opportunity to delve into the depths of human despair, examine how society copes with extreme adversity, and give CGI artists an excuse to blow up famous landmarks. But not all apocalyptic films deliver the awe-inspiring spectacle or poignant introspection they promise.
10 Movies that Tried Way Too Hard to Make Us Cry
10 Movies that Tried Way Too Hard to Make Us Cry
Getting a good cry on can be cathartic, just don't try to manipulate us into feeling things, okay?
Hollywood's Hall of Shame: 10 Biggest Box Office Disasters
Hollywood's Hall of Shame: 10 Biggest Box Office Disasters
Now that The Flash has officially become the worst superhero movie flop of all time, and Dial of Destiny is set to be another disappointment, let's take a look at 10 more box office bombs.
12 Movie Endings That Try Too Hard to Be Ambiguous
12 Movie Endings That Try Too Hard to Be Ambiguous
These films left many of us intrigued… and many more – disappointed.
8 Movie Sequels That Are Basically Just Remakes of The First Movie
8 Movie Sequels That Are Basically Just Remakes of The First Movie
In the world of movie sequels, if it worked once, why not try it again?
These 7 Films Are Enough to Traumatize You For Life, According to Reddit
These 7 Films Are Enough to Traumatize You For Life, According to Reddit
Movies often have a unique ability to stir our emotions, leaving a lasting impact on us.
10 Times a Movie Sequel Completely Ignored the Original
10 Times a Movie Sequel Completely Ignored the Original
The thing is, not a single movie on this list actually needed a sequel.
15 'Epic' Movies That Are Just Really Long (and Boring)
15 'Epic' Movies That Are Just Really Long (and Boring)
For those of you who've ever sat through a three-hour saga, and questioned your life decisions, this list is for you.
10 Celebrity Cameos in Movies That Were More Distracting Than Entertaining
10 Celebrity Cameos in Movies That Were More Distracting Than Entertaining
From cringe-inducing to downright confusing, these celebrity cameos have proven that sometimes less is more.  Even with all the distractions, though, it's still entertaining to see famous faces pop up in unexpected places... most of the time.