Oscar Who? 14 Movies You Won't Believe Won Academy Awards
Oscar Who? 14 Movies You Won't Believe Won Academy Awards
Some of them have fallen into obscurity long ago, and an Oscar didn’t help.
10 Classic Horror Films That Haven't Aged Well
10 Classic Horror Films That Haven't Aged Well
These cinematic "classics" that haven't exactly ripened with age.
10 Slasher Films That Are So Bad, They're Actually Good
10 Slasher Films That Are So Bad, They're Actually Good
Let's just say, 80s were wild.
10 Oscar Wins That Sparked Controversy
10 Oscar Wins That Sparked Controversy
From sentimental favorites to safe mainstream picks, these controversies remind us that the race for Oscar glory can be a contentious affair.
10 Most Unbelievable Actor Transformations for Movie Roles
10 Most Unbelievable Actor Transformations for Movie Roles
While makeup and prosthetics certainly play a huge part, these transformations wouldn't be as successful without the incredible talent of the actors underneath.
11 Horror Movies That Aren't Scary At All
11 Horror Movies That Aren't Scary At All
Still worth to watch, though - if only for some laughs
10 Most Overrated Films of the Past Decade
10 Most Overrated Films of the Past Decade
These are the films that, for one reason or another, just didn't live up to their hype.
Please, Not Again: 10 Overdone Movie Remakes We Didn’t Need
Please, Not Again: 10 Overdone Movie Remakes We Didn’t Need
These films serve as cautionary tales for why remakes should be handled with care, respect, and, more importantly, a good reason for their existence. 
Ill-fated Adaptations: 9 Beloved Books That Bombed as Movies
Ill-fated Adaptations: 9 Beloved Books That Bombed as Movies
These are the films that prove even beloved books can falter when they leap off the page and onto the silver screen. A moment of silence for these brave (yet disastrous) attempts.
A (Frankly Disturbing) Thing Harrison Ford Had to Do Playing Indiana Jones
A (Frankly Disturbing) Thing Harrison Ford Had to Do Playing Indiana Jones
Hats off to Harrison Ford for this one. Or should we say, hats on?