Why? Just Why? 10 Pointless Movie Sequels Nobody Asked For
Why? Just Why? 10 Pointless Movie Sequels Nobody Asked For
Not all that glitters is gold, and not all films need a sequel.
Screen Time Wasted: 10 Movies You'll Regret Spending Two Hours On
Screen Time Wasted: 10 Movies You'll Regret Spending Two Hours On
Remember, life's too short for bad movies.
12 Boring Movies That Were Based on Exciting Books
12 Boring Movies That Were Based on Exciting Books
As the saying goes, "Don't judge a book by its movie."
Big Name, Big Disappointment: 10 Worst Performances by A-List Actors
Big Name, Big Disappointment: 10 Worst Performances by A-List Actors
In this glittering world of Hollywood, even the brightest stars can have a bad day... or a bad movie.  
10 Book-to-Movie Adaptations That Completely Lost the Plot
10 Book-to-Movie Adaptations That Completely Lost the Plot
These are the book-to-movie adaptations that took one too many liberties. You know the kind, the ones that make you question whether the director actually read the same book you did.
10 So-Bad-They're-Good Films That Became Cult Hits
10 So-Bad-They're-Good Films That Became Cult Hits
Everyone loves a good train wreck.
15 Overly Long Movies That Should Have Been Way Shorter
15 Overly Long Movies That Should Have Been Way Shorter
Yes, these films were aiming for a cinematic experience, but, in all honesty, we just don’t have that kind of time.
10 Confusing Movies That Lost Us Halfway
10 Confusing Movies That Lost Us Halfway
They may have been too complex for their own good, but there's no denying that these films provided some of the most unique and bewildering cinematic experiences of recent years.
Big Budget Bloopers: 15 Expensive Movies That Flopped Hard
Big Budget Bloopers: 15 Expensive Movies That Flopped Hard
"The Flash" ending up the worst superhero movie is just one example in the long history of frankly ridiculously over-budgeted films that flopped hard upon premiering.
10 Comic Book Movies We Could Have Done Without
10 Comic Book Movies We Could Have Done Without
Superhero fatigue in 2023 is real, people.