9 Lesser-Known Adam Sandler Movies You Probably Missed
9 Lesser-Known Adam Sandler Movies You Probably Missed
Some of them are totally worth a watch, others… not so much.
Top 10 Underrated Crime Movies of the Last Decade
Top 10 Underrated Crime Movies of the Last Decade
These movies might not have made the headlines or broken box office records, but they've certainly deserve a watch.
Top 10 Slasher Films from the 80's That Are Still Scary AF
Top 10 Slasher Films from the 80's That Are Still Scary AF
We've seen a lot in these past years, but some of these old gems still hold up well.
Back to Basics: Top 10 Black-and-White Horror Movies
Back to Basics: Top 10 Black-and-White Horror Movies
This is some classic, heart-stopping horror.
The 10 Best Horror Films You've Never Heard Of
The 10 Best Horror Films You've Never Heard Of
Don't expect any comforting, familiar titles here.
10 Sci-Fi Movies from the 1980s that Are Still Unrivaled Today
10 Sci-Fi Movies from the 1980s that Are Still Unrivaled Today
These films pushed boundaries, explored new ideas, and took us to worlds we never dreamed of. (...And then 2020s came.)
Forgotten Scares: 10 80's Horror Films Worth Revisiting
Forgotten Scares: 10 80's Horror Films Worth Revisiting
These movies are totally worth digging up from the grave.
10 Lesser-Known Horror Movies That Deserve More Recognition
10 Lesser-Known Horror Movies That Deserve More Recognition
They may be lesser known, but by no means they are less scary.
10 Scariest Movies On Netflix You Might Have Missed
10 Scariest Movies On Netflix You Might Have Missed
Netflix is a treasure trove of horror movies, but with so many options available, it's easy to miss some truly bone-chilling gems.
9 Sequels So Bad They Made Us Question Our Love for the Original
9 Sequels So Bad They Made Us Question Our Love for the Original
These sequels prove that bigger isn't always better, and newer isn't always an improvement.