Leo Hartwell

Introducing Leo Hartwell, our resident entertainment enthusiast and dedicated connoisseur of all things magical and otherworldly. With a degree in Film Studies and a passion for fantastical narratives, Leo has spent the past seven years exploring the hidden realms of cinema and television for our website. As a fervent fan of both spellbinding dramas and adrenaline-charged action franchises, Leo's taste knows no bounds.

Leo's fascination with the supernatural and mythical creatures is evident in his love for the world of Harry Potter and the captivating adventures of the Winchester brothers in the Supernatural series. His writing is fueled by an insatiable appetite for the fantastical worlds of Middle-earth, the enchanting realms of Narnia, and the twists and turns of Guillermo del Toro's creature-filled masterpieces.

Top 10 Funniest Guest Stars in How I Met Your Mother
Top 10 Funniest Guest Stars in How I Met Your Mother
Oh, honey!
Top 12 TV Shows With the Most Surprising Plot Twists
Top 12 TV Shows With the Most Surprising Plot Twists
If you're a fan of TV shows that keep you guessing until the very end, this list is your holy grail.
11 Unforgettable Guest Stars on The Big Bang Theory
11 Unforgettable Guest Stars on The Big Bang Theory
Kinda makes us miss TBBT even more.
10 Underrated Rom-Com Movies to Watch on Netflix
10 Underrated Rom-Com Movies to Watch on Netflix
Rom-com genre is never truly dead (and we couldn’t be happier about it.)
10 So-Bad-They're-Good Movies for Your Next Movie Night
10 So-Bad-They're-Good Movies for Your Next Movie Night
They might not win any Oscars, but they're guaranteed to give you an unforgettable movie night of going all 'What the hell did I just watch?'.
Talent Wasted: 10 Great Actors Trapped in Terrible TV Shows
Talent Wasted: 10 Great Actors Trapped in Terrible TV Shows
We can't help but wonder: are they just in it for the paycheck?
10 Problematic On-Screen Relationships We Had to Endure
10 Problematic On-Screen Relationships We Had to Endure
Zero chemistry was the least of their problems.
10 Overhyped Movies That Just Don't Live Up To Their Fame
10 Overhyped Movies That Just Don't Live Up To Their Fame
These films, despite all the hype and fanfare, just didn't quite live up to their fame.
10 Movie Remakes That Were Just Worse Versions of the Original
10 Movie Remakes That Were Just Worse Versions of the Original
Hollywood has a long-standing tradition of remaking films - sometimes to revive a classic for a new generation, other times (more often than not) because they ran out of original ideas.
Seriously, Why? 9 Overrated Celebrities in the Film Industry
Seriously, Why? 9 Overrated Celebrities in the Film Industry
And yes, we really went after Tom Cruise here. The audacity. We know.