Did Big Bang Theory Reveal What Happened to Young Sheldon's Billy?

Young Sheldon's Billy is very different from how Sheldon describes him in TBBT; the question is, though, what happens to him in the future?
Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory's most popular, or at least most memorable character, has been exposed as an unreliable narrator as many of the events in the prequel Young Sheldon happen very differently from how he describes them in The Big Bang Theory. The premise is that the Nobel-Prize-winning physicist is more honest as he narrates the prequel than he ever was with the gang. For example, in TBBT, Sheldon describes his father, George as a terrible and irresponsible alcoholic, but in YS, George is revealed to be a loving and caring father.
The same goes for his neighbour, Billy Sparks. When describing his childhood in Medford, Texas, to his friends, Sheldon often complains about Billy, saying he was his nemesis and was constantly bullying him. Yet, on Young Sheldon, Billy Sparks is not all bad. Sure, he and Sheldon had some conflicts at first, but Billy never goes out of his way to target Sheldon and eventually even becomes friends with Sheldon. Who really bullies the child prodigy is Billy's sister, Bobbi.
Now a lot of Young Sheldon characters put in an appearance on The Big Bang Theory; for example, Tam Nguyen, Sheldon's first best friend, a character created especially for Young Sheldon, puts in a cameo on TBBT. That is not the case for either Billy or Bobbi Sparks, though. We never get to see them on TBBT.
The way Sheldon describes Billy in the most unfavourable light on TBBT may be attributed to the fact that he probably holds a grudge against the entire Sparks family on account of his father, George, and Billy's mother, Brenda, getting too close for comfort at one point.
As it turns out, we are given a glimpse of Billy's future, but not in The Big Bang Theory, but rather in Sheldon's narration for Young Sheldon.
'TBBT never mentioned what happened with Billy in adulthood, but Older Sheldon on Young Sheldon does mention that Billy got elected to Congress [by] a landslide,' a Redditor pointed out.
Who knows, Young Sheldon writers may reveal more about Billy's future in the next season of Young Sheldon. Unfortunately, we don't know yet when it's to be released. There is still hope that it will be out this year, seeing how it was announced all the way back in 2021. Let's hope the WGA strike doesn't affect its release schedule.
Source: Reddit.