Brooklyn 9-9 Dodged a Bullet by Dropping One of Its Daftest Storylines

Brooklyn 9-9 Dodged a Bullet by Dropping One of Its Daftest Storylines
Image credit: NBC

Fans are glad that one storyline disappeared after the first season.

While Brooklyn Nine-Nine is considered one of the best modern sitcoms today, it's no secret that this Andy Samberg-led show took some time to come into its own.

Even though the first two seasons were hilarious, the later ones proved to be much more compelling, thanks to better chemistry between characters and the writers' understanding of what works and what doesn't for each cast member.

The fact that Brooklyn Nine-Nine became a huge hit after the first two seasons means that the creators realized what the audience wanted from them and were willing to cater the story to please the fans. This is probably the reason they decided to drop one major storyline right after Season 1.

In the first season, beloved characters Charles Boyle and Rosa Diaz were actually set up as a future couple. Charles was so in love with Rosa that he couldn't act normal around her, resulting in some mildly hilarious interactions. However, the core idea behind this romantic pairing really bothered fans, so when Charles and Rosa became best friends in Season 2, people applauded the writers for getting rid of the dubious storyline.

'Showrunners Dan Goor and Mike Schur deserve an award for dropping the Boyle-Rosa storyline after Season 1. The pairing felt too contrived and unrealistic because apparently Boyle and Rosa have no romantic chemistry, and the relationship felt too one-sided,' a fan commented on Reddit, to the agreement of others.

In addition, thanks to clever writing, both Rosa and Charles went through this storyline while still respecting each other, which made viewers fall in love with the show even more. Fans argue that grown-up characters like these should be featured on network shows more often.

'One of my favorite things about this show is that Boyle is an adult about it. I hate when a guy is played as cute for acting creepy,' another fan noted.

It would be easy to keep this storyline as a running joke throughout the show, but the writers' decision not to annoy fans with it scored Brooklyn Nine-Nine much more than a silly gag — true loyalty from the fandom.

Source: Reddit.