10 Korean Dramas for 14-Year-Olds That Adults Will Love, Too

Fairly conservative, K-dramas can be a perfect source of entertainment for the whole family: not just for teens, but for adults, too.
In the realm of Korean dramas, where the drama is as thick as the plot of a high school love triangle, there's a collection that hits the sweet spot for both wide-eyed 14-year-olds and their more cynical adult counterparts.
These shows, sidestepping the usual pitfalls of eye-roll-inducing teen angst and adult melodrama, manage to serve up stories as satisfying as finding an extra episode you didn't know existed.
They're like those rare books that appeal to both teens and grown-ups, packed with just enough romance to make your heart skip a beat but not enough to make you check the room to see who's watching you watch it.
From family drama that doesn't require a box of tissues every episode to supernatural elements as believable as your uncle claiming he saw a UFO, these dramas have a bit of everything.
The trick is, they do it with a finesse that keeps both age groups hooked, proving that a good story well told doesn't need to rely on shock value or cheap thrills, just solid storytelling that knows its audience.