Leo Hartwell

Introducing Leo Hartwell, our resident entertainment enthusiast and dedicated connoisseur of all things magical and otherworldly. With a degree in Film Studies and a passion for fantastical narratives, Leo has spent the past seven years exploring the hidden realms of cinema and television for our website. As a fervent fan of both spellbinding dramas and adrenaline-charged action franchises, Leo's taste knows no bounds.

Leo's fascination with the supernatural and mythical creatures is evident in his love for the world of Harry Potter and the captivating adventures of the Winchester brothers in the Supernatural series. His writing is fueled by an insatiable appetite for the fantastical worlds of Middle-earth, the enchanting realms of Narnia, and the twists and turns of Guillermo del Toro's creature-filled masterpieces.

10 Comic Book Movies We Could Have Done Without
10 Comic Book Movies We Could Have Done Without
Superhero fatigue in 2023 is real, people.
10 Book-to-Movie Adaptations That Missed the Point Completely
10 Book-to-Movie Adaptations That Missed the Point Completely
Let’s face it, the filmmakers here took a sharp left turn and landed somewhere the authors probably never intended.
10 Supporting Movie Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spin-Off
10 Supporting Movie Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spin-Off
These are the underappreciated sidekicks and charismatic supporting characters who truly deserve their time in the spotlight.
10 Supernatural TV Shows That Failed to Thrill
10 Supernatural TV Shows That Failed to Thrill
You may not have even heard of some of them.
Horrifically Hilarious: 10 Horror Movies So Bad, They're Funny
Horrifically Hilarious: 10 Horror Movies So Bad, They're Funny
These horror films are so bad, they're actually good. Or at least, good for a laugh.
12 Most Underwhelming Superhero Movies Ever
12 Most Underwhelming Superhero Movies Ever
And it's not so-called "superhero fatigue" that's to blame.
From Blockbuster to Flopbuster: 9 Movie Sequels That Tanked Spectacularly
From Blockbuster to Flopbuster: 9 Movie Sequels That Tanked Spectacularly
Still, for every "Son of the Mask," there's a "Godfather Part II" waiting in the wings.
12 Most Predictable Movie Twists of All Time
12 Most Predictable Movie Twists of All Time
Spoilers ahead! You've been warned.  
10 Worst American Remakes of Foreign TV Shows
10 Worst American Remakes of Foreign TV Shows
From teenage dramas to murder mysteries, these American adaptations have proven that not all that glitters in the overseas market is gold on home turf.
Aging Disgracefully: 10 TV Shows That Went on for Too Long
Aging Disgracefully: 10 TV Shows That Went on for Too Long
Sometimes enough is enough, but dragging the story out is one of TV’s favorite things to do.