Why is Everyone Hating Hope After Virgin River Season 5 Premiere?

Why is Everyone Hating Hope After Virgin River Season 5 Premiere?
Image credit: Netflix

This obnoxious character must go.

Since 2019, Netflix's Virgin River has been delighting all fans of traditional melodrama, as the story of LA nurse Mel moving to a quiet town in search of love and acceptance seemed as predictable as they come. Essentially, Virgin River is a high-end soap opera, with the actors acting a little better than those in the famous soaps, and the writing and directing feeling a lot more refined than fans of the soaps are used to. However, it's only natural that Virgin River has the same problems that many other soaps struggle with.

While the main storyline of Mel falling in love with ex-marine Jack is quite perfect, several of the supporting storylines just feel shallow and uninspiring, as the secondary characters are quite poorly developed. Moreover, some of these characters are quite hated by the fandom, and Hope McCrea is the most prominent example of this.

Queen of Gossip

Even though Hope is married to one of the most popular characters on the show, Vernon Mullins, fans always disliked the old woman because she seemed to just spread gossip and hate instead of paying attention to what people actually thought about her.

So when she got into the car accident in Season 3, fans were really hoping that the writers would kill off this annoying character, but instead they saved her and made her even worse.

She spent all of Season 5 sticking her nose in other people's business and trying to learn everything about everyone, which is what fans hate her for the most. She was simply unbearable in the last episode, and fans continue to hope that the writers will get rid of her and finally let Doc be free to be with the woman he actually loves.

And unlikely hero

Still, it's important to note that Hope was quite heroic in protecting the town during the forest fires, and fans really appreciated that the writers finally gave them a reason to respect Hope instead of just hate her. Let's hope that Hope becomes a different person when the second part of Season 5 hits Netflix on November 30th.