Wednesday and 4 More TV Hits Coming With New Seasons in 2025

Finales of the biggest TV hits of recent years and new chapters of projects that are on the verge of becoming those hits.
Let's face it: people always look forward to the new seasons of the series they already know and love. Fans may complain that the creators are deliberately dragging out the series, but they will definitely pay attention.
These are continuations of the great and beloved series of recent years.
1. Wednesday Season 2, 2022-...
Jenna Ortega promises that Wednesday will be darker, with more horror and action and less teen romance. The actress is clearly more interested in making the series a Burton-style gothic than a teenage melodrama.
She promises to pay more attention to the Addams family, especially since Netflix is planning a spin-off about Uncle Fester. Joanna Lumley will star as Grandma Addams.
Steve Buscemi will play the new director of Nevermore, and Christopher Lloyd will appear in a small role.
2. Stranger Things Season 5, 2016-2025
Audiences are eagerly awaiting the finale of a decade-long story that has evolved from a children's adventure in the spirit of the 1980s into a phenomenon. The actors have grown so much in that time that some had to be rejuvenated with makeup and graphics to at least look like teenagers.
The adult characters will finally have to deal with the mystical creature they called Vecna. All characters will return, including Max, who was in a coma in the hospital last season.
3. Black Mirror Season 7, 2011-...
In the seventh season, Charlie Brooker promises a return to the roots – to social science fiction about high technology and unpleasant life. We can expect six episodes, each almost as long as a feature-length movie. Among the actors announced for the season are Paul Giamatti, Peter Capaldi and Awkwafina.
Among other things, we will see for the first time a sequel to one of the previous episodes – the famous USS Callister from Season 4. We will find out what happened to the crew of that spaceship.
4. Andor Season 2, 2022-2025
Andor is considered by many to be one of the best Star Wars series because of its drama, and, perhaps for the first time in the franchise's history, its rejection of a simple black-and-white conflict. The Rebels can make mistakes and get their hands dirty in the fight against the Empire – but that doesn't make them evil, it helps us see them as people.
The second season promises to show us the formation of the Rebel Alliance in detail, and it looks like Cassian will play a major role. His main adversary will be the Imperial engineer, Director Krennic.
The season will consist of four arcs of three episodes each, covering up to four years in the life of the main character and ending with the events of Rogue One. So the second season is the final one for Andor.
5. One Piece Season 2, 2023-...
Monkey D. Luffy wants to become the greatest pirate captain in the world of endless seas and countless islands. He has already acquired superpowers, gathered a team of friends and random fellow travelers, made enemies and a bounty on his head.
Now Luffy and his friends set sail through the fast ocean currents of the Grand Line to find the greatest pirate treasure – One Piece.
In the second season, we are promised episodes with Loguetown, Reverse Mountain, Whysky Peak, Small Garden and Drum Island. If you are not familiar with the original source, these names will mean nothing to you, but experts will immediately understand what we are talking about.