We Finally Got Coach Beard's Backstory on Ted Lasso, And It's Dark

The beloved character had a rather troubled past.
While Ted Lasso puts the eponymous coach at the center of the story, the show's supporting characters often steal the spotlight. Of all of them, Coach Beard is by far the most enigmatic, as his backstory of becoming a soccer coach had never been thoroughly explained — that is, not until the most recent episode aired on May 24.
And now that fans know more about Beard's past, the character seems more dramatic than ever.
In the episode 'Mom City,' Nate was seen working as a waiter next to his girlfriend, as he had previously left his position at West Ham. Ted and his colleagues at Richmond tried to recruit him back to the club, but it was Coach Beard who really made Nate consider such an option.
While talking to Nate, the coach revealed that he had spent a lot of time in jail after stealing a 'loaf of meth.' When he got out, he stole Ted's car, only to find out later that Ted had refused to press charges against him. Instead, Ted invited Beard to join his staff.
This dramatic yet ultimately uplifting backstory made fans appreciate both Ted and Beard even more, as it was clear that Beard wasn't proud of his past actions but tried his best to redeem himself. And while the whole scene was quite heartbreaking, viewers couldn't help but laugh at some of the details and praised Ted Lasso's writers for creating such a brilliant story for the beloved character.
'I think Beard's story about prison/Ted giving him a second chance made me laugh harder and cry harder than anything else in this whole series. This damn show,' one fan said, and the rest of the fandom seems to agree with the sentiment.
The fact that Beard was an addict in the past also explains his strange personality. Besides, the phrase 'loaf of meth' seems destined to become a cult favorite, as it is not only hilarious but also quite clever, giving Beard a Jean Valjean vibe from Les Misérables.
Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 12 will arrive on Apple TV + on May 31, 2023.
Source: Reddit.