Varys Actor as Frustrated With That GoT Finale Disaster as We All

Varys Actor as Frustrated With That GoT Finale Disaster as We All
Image credit: Legion-Media

Even the actors themselves hated the controversial finale.

While HBO's Game of Thrones is widely considered one of the best TV series in history, fans and critics alike agree that the last season of the previously great fantasy show took a huge step down in quality — and we're not just talking about Daenerys suddenly going mad and killing half of King's Landing. The entire final season was filled with questionable storylines and ridiculous character deaths, leaving viewers angry at the writers for ruining a show with an impeccable reputation.

It looks like the fans are not the only ones who feel this way, as Conleth Hill, who famously played Varys, recently shared his disappointment with the finale.

Without a doubt, Lord Varys was one of the most interesting supporting characters on the show. The Master of Whisperers was extremely smart and essentially ruled Westeros for decades, so when he was suddenly and stupidly killed off, Conleth Hill was disappointed, fearing that his character's legacy would be destroyed because of the rushed writing.

'I felt that the last series was a bit rushed. I was inconsolable, but now I'm fine about it. I thought I'd done something wrong. Right up until the last two series, I had no complaints at all. I just felt frustrated with the last couple of series because Varys wasn't the all-knowing character he had been,' the actor said.

Fans were quick to note that Hill's character becoming a complete moron by the end of the series was actually quite relevant to the last season being the worst in GoT history. Seeing such a powerful character so blatantly killed off without much explanation really ruined the immersion people had enjoyed during the previous seven seasons.

'Yeah… Varys the Master of Whispers, who's kept major things under wraps for decades. Just started walking around Dragonstone, talking loudly, and accusing his Queen of being crazy. So dumb,' one fan noted.

Fortunately, Hill managed to make Varys a memorable character long before Season 8 was even written, so people are supporting the actor to make sure Varys' legacy is not ruined by the disappointing final season.

Source: Express, Reddit.