There's a Simple Reason Behind Blake Shelton Winning The Voice So Many Times

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The iconic coach won the show way too many times.

The hit reality singing competition is not doing too great on the small screen, as the show, once created to serve as a fresher version of American Idol, has become even more trite and predictable over the past decade than the competition it drew inspiration from ever was.

Fans have been criticizing The Voice for focusing too much on the coaches instead of the contestants for quite some time, but it looks like the producers just started to heed fans' requests this year and finally shifted the focus away from the coaches in season 23, which surprisingly coincided with Blake Shelton's departure from the show for good.

The country singer has been the face of The Voice since his first appearance on the show. His natural charisma and longevity on the project made many people fall in love with him and his cast. However, there's no denying that some viewers suspected for a long time that the producers were rigging the show in Shelton's favor.

Always Winning

While it's natural for the longest-serving coach on the show to have the most victories, Shelton's remarkable nine-time winning streak raised many fans' eyebrows, prompting them to doubt the show's integrity. Shelton was evidently skilled at selecting promising country artists, but some of their victories seemed biased, as other pop or R&B singers were clearly more talented than Shelton's protegés.

However, it's clear that the show wasn't rigged, as Shelton simply used the audience to secure his numerous victories. It's well-known that the general public in the U.S. passionately loves country music, so people were always only too willing to vote for The Voice's country finalist, even if the singer struggled to compete against the other contestants.

Country bias has been a problem for The Voice and American Idol for quite some time now, with fans even urging the networks to create another reality singing competition specifically for country artists, as watching this genre always crush other styles of music such as pop, R&B, and soul isn't particularly enjoyable.

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