The Blacklist Finale Pulled a Game of Thrones, Ruined the Show Completely

The hit show ruined itself with the finale.
When NBC's The Blacklist premiered in 2013, many people saw it as the most unique crime procedural of all time, and rightfully so, because James Spader was simply amazing as criminal mastermind turned vigilante Red Reddington, while the fresh villain-of-the-week formula made the show a blast to watch.
However, there's no denying that the series overstayed its welcome. The quality of writing and acting dropped off quite a bit after Season 5, with fans only sticking with the show for one reason — to find out Red's true identity.
Even after beloved actors Jon Bokenkamp and Meg Boone left the project after Season 8, most fans continued to watch The Blacklist, expecting the finale to right all the wrongs and reveal who Red really was. But instead, The Blacklist's last episode ruined the entire show.
Strange Way to End the Story
While all of Season 10 has been called the worst installment of The Blacklist ever, it was the series finale that really made people angry. You see, the writers chose to kill off Red in the dumbest way possible — by a runaway bull, as crazy as that sounds — and didn't even try to make good on their promises.
Even though the producers teased fans that Red's identity would be revealed in the finale, that never happened, and Red remained the same mystery he was in the very first episode.
Needless to say, viewers hated this, arguing that the writers' laziness and inability to keep their own promises ruined not only the finale, but the show itself, using Game of Thrones' botched ending as a similar example.
'With Season 8 of Game of Thrones, I absolutely lost every ounce of interest in the series. [And with The Blacklist] not revealing the identity of Raymond "Red" Reddington, The Concierge of Crime, and such a lousy execution of the last season (Season 9 was 100 times better than Season 10), I have lost all the interest in ever watching any parts of these series ever again,' a fan said.
Yep, it looks like Netflix won't be paying NBC hundreds of millions to stream The Blacklist because fans simply don't want to see that show ever again.
Source: Reddit.