Ted Lasso Fandom Divided Over Keeley's Season 3 Screen Time

Ted Lasso Fandom Divided Over Keeley's Season 3 Screen Time
Image credit: Apple TV+

It looks like Keeley may have overstayed her welcome as a main character.

Ted Lasso Season 3 is far from being on par with the previous two seasons. The producers' decision to double the episode length and bring some of the supporting characters to the fore of the narrative has not sat well with the fans, who feel the new format feels stale and bloated.

And Keeley, one of the most popular characters of the first two seasons, seems to be a major cause of the fandom's discontent.

Since her introduction in Season 1, this ex-model and PR agent has been a welcome presence on the show, as her friendship with Rebecca and love relationships with Jamie and then Roy made her a valuable main character whose brief storylines never failed to entertain fans and put a smile on their face. In Season 3, however, the writers decided to make her a star of the show, putting her in the spotlight with her PR firm storyline that takes up a huge chunk of screen time each episode. And fans don't seem to be ok with that.

Of course, it would still have been a bit odd to spend so much time following Keeley's PR business in a show about football, even if her storyline was very well written and super compelling, but sadly, it's neither: the whole narrative arc just feels redundant and shallow to many fans.

'We follow Keely to a new job and relationship, neither of which add to the story. I'm really anxious to see how this all plays out in the end because right now, the Keely angle seems very forced and like, dare I say it, filler material,' a fan said.

To many fans, it looks like Ted Lasso's writers are just wasting time in a bid to make Keeley's story relatable. But the problem is, her entire arc just feels completely out of place for the show. People want to see what Ted Lasso and his crew are up to as their underdog team slowly but surely moves up the league table, and the story of a young woman struggling to get her PR firm off the ground just kills the pace and totally ruins the show's vibe.

People are still holding out hope that at least the show's finale will bring a conclusion to Keeley's story that at least makes some semblance of sense in the overall context of the show, as it would be a total waste to have spent so much screen time on an arc that has so little to do with the main plot of the show.

Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 11 will arrive on Apple TV + on 24 May 2023.

Source: Reddit.