Reddit Picks the Worst Addition to the Ted Lasso Season 3 Cast

A new character is testing the patience of fans.
Ted Lasso Season 3 proved to be a bit of a disappointment for fans, as the creative team's decision to make the episodes almost twice as long as before resulted in some really messy storytelling.
A number of minor characters like Keeley were given more time to develop, but most of these storylines fell flat, making the whole season feel rather bloated and stale.
However, this isn't the only reason why the third season is considered the worst in the show's history. There is also one new character that's making fans want to skip some scenes.
The character in question is Shandy Fine, a friend of Keeley's who joined the PR firm to help her run the place. While at first glance Shandy seemed like a pretty relatable character, she quickly turned out to have a hidden agenda, and her annoying complaints about everything made her a truly obnoxious presence.
'I get she's meant to be unlikeable and annoying. But she is too unlikeable and annoying. A good villain needs to be interesting and entertaining, like Rupert. Can't stand him, but I'm never thinking "wish this guy would leave my screen",' one fan noted.
Even though Shandy is obviously very irritating, this may not be the biggest reason why people hate her. In fact, many fans point out that the whole subplot of Keeley's PR firm is this season's major letdown that simply takes up a lot of the running time while not adding anything to the plot, and it's neither interesting nor funny.
'I'd rather those scenes be spent on Jamie, Beard or Roy than seeing Shandy eat up screen time,' another fan said.
At the moment, many viewers are too annoyed with Shandy and are even willing to skip a scene as soon as she appears on the screen. If Ted Lasso's writers intend to keep her on the show, they should try and develop the character some more — and of course, repairing Keeley's subplot would be a good idea too, as the current storyline clearly isn't working the way it should.
Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 10 will arrive on Apple TV+ on May 17, 2023.
Source: Reddit.