Netflix's Queen Charlotte Was Going to Be Much Shorter Originally

Netflix's Queen Charlotte Was Going to Be Much Shorter Originally
Image credit: Netflix

It turns out Shonda Rhimes initially intended for Queen Charlotte to only have three to four episodes, but decided to extend it once she had started working on the script.

When Bridgerton premiered on Netflix in 2020, Shonda Rhimes cemented a reputation as one of our era's most influential TV hitmakers.

Her versatility as a showrunner and writer was beyond dispute: she first won over audiences with such hits as Grey's Anatomy and Scandal and then outdid herself with the new romantic series.

Naturally, Netflix producers were prepared to greenlight any project Rhimes proposed, so when a miniseries about Queen Charlotte was announced, it hardly came as a surprise: it seemed logical to capitalise on the success of Bridgerton and expand the franchise.

With Queen Charlotte already released and adored by fans, it's hard to imagine that the show wasn't initially conceived with a six-episode structure. However, according to Rhimes herself, she had a different plan when she began writing the script.

‘I thought I was going to write four episodes, maybe three, and that would have been it. When I got into the writing of it, it was really easy to write episodes one, two, and three, but we weren’t even close to being finished. I don’t think people understand how exhausting it is to write and then have to shape a script for production. It’s a lot of work,’ Rhimes said.

Indeed, it appears that Rhimes initially underestimated the narrative potential of young Charlotte and King George's story, assuming it would only be enough material for a few episodes of engaging action. Fortunately, she realised this approach would compromise the narrative's immersive quality and enlisted screenwriter Nicholas Nardini's help to expand the storyline, abandoning the idea of single-handedly penning the entire show.

Fans are thankful for Rhimes' decision to prioritise the quality of Queen Charlotte and set her ego aside in the process. Her efforts have indeed paid off, as the show has received glowing reviews from critics and fans alike. Furthermore, there is already a demand for a second season, although Rhimes has yet to disclose her plans for transforming Queen Charlotte into a long-running series.

Source: Shondaland.