Maybe It's Time to Stop Hating Supernatural Finale So Much

Maybe It's Time to Stop Hating Supernatural Finale So Much
Image credit: The CW

Lots of people still hate the divisive finale.

For 15 years since 2005, Supernatural has been one of the most revered shows on television, even though the idea of watching two brothers hunt various supernatural creatures didn't initially appeal to the general public.

Thankfully, the great chemistry between Sam and Dean Winchester helped the show build a huge fandom in no time, while great supporting characters and interesting choices of villains cemented the series as television's top dog for more than a decade.

That is why the Supernatural finale was so disappointing to fans who had grown accustomed to the show's high quality. The series ended on a sour note, with Dean dying the silliest death possible after a fight with a mediocre vampire. Viewers were totally surprised by the way the writers ended the story, as it felt completely anticlimactic to see the hero defeated by a total nobody, even though he previously fought gods and angels.

However, we believe that the finale does not deserve as much hatred from the Supernatural fandom.

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The Story Was Expertly Wrapped

While the fact that Dean died in the finale is heartbreaking to us, it cannot be denied that such a death was fitting for the character. Dean was always willing to die for the ones he loved. Of course, it's a shame that he perished right after saving the world from the greatest threat ever, but it had to happen sometime, don't you think?

There's also another reason for why the death was totally fitting for the story, and it has to do with Sam. After Dean died, his brother was finally able to settle down and start a family, just like he always wanted. We are not saying that Sam was happy about his brother's death, of course, but his character was in a better place at the end of the show.

Fans Still Refusing to Forgive the Finale

Despite the aforementioned arguments, many viewers still dislike the Supernatural finale — and they have every right to. As one fan noted, the writers should have ended the show with the penultimate episode, leaving the brothers' fates unclear for a potential revival.

'I actually thought the episode before ended the series perfectly. For the first time ever, Sam and Dean are in total control of their lives. They drive off into the sunset. The End. We don't need to know what happens after that,' the fan wrote. 'The actors have both stated that they are open to coming back at some point, but now they are written into a corner.'

Would you change the finale of Supernatural if you could?