Jim Parsons Dishes on His Worst Date Ever, and It's as Awkward as You'd Expect

Jim Parsons Dishes on His Worst Date Ever, and It's as Awkward as You'd Expect
Image credit: Legion-Media

Everyone has a cringey first date experience story.

Most probably don’t finish with “we ended up getting married”, but that’s exactly what happened to Jim Parsons.

The TBBT star’s first date with his now husband, Todd Spiewak, ended up with the pair hitting a karaoke bar, which he said, “for some people… may be a great idea”. But as you might imagine, Parsons doesn’t “enjoy karaoke” – as he told Logo in an interview for their YouTube channel - and didn’t grab the mic.

Todd, however, belted out “with no sense of irony”, according to his date, I’ve Finally Found Someone by Cher – a song choice that Parsons described as “pretty cheesy, and sweet”.

Despite the fact that this first date experience led to the couple marrying in May 2017 in New York, Parsons says he still cringes when he thinks about that evening.

Another early date between the two of them saw Jim buy Todd a Mariah Carey CD when they went out for dinner one night. At the time, Parsons was an unemployed actor and Todd told him he shouldn’t have spent his unemployment money on the gift.

It was a comment that Jim now describes as his other half “being protective, maybe a little judgemental…but mostly protective”. Jim says that Todd now “feels now that he wished he hadn’t reacted that way”, and it’s likely that the price of a CD wouldn’t put a particularly big dent in the couples’ bank balance these days.

So, Jim Parsons, of Sheldon Cooper fame, has his own story about a real-life awkward moment on a first date. Who’d have thought it?

Although, it can’t be as cringey as Sheldon and Amy’s first date that began with an uncomfortable silence in the car with the couple being driven to the restaurant by Penny who was desperate to get at least some sort of conversation going.

Of course, once the trio were sat down to eat and the conversation did get flowing, Penny was a little less enthusiastic when it turned to her own experience of dating “approximately 171 different men” and, by Sheldon’s calculations “30.96 sexual partners” rounded up to 31.

And that’s the sort of comedy cringe-fest that puts Jim Parsons’ awkward karaoke first date with his husband in the “well it could have been a hell of a lot worse” bracket.

Source: Logo.