Is It the Age or Lack of Chemistry? Virgin River's Worst Couple Revealed

Is It the Age or Lack of Chemistry? Virgin River's Worst Couple Revealed
Image credit: Netflix

Fans hate the new couple.

When the first season of Virgin River premiered on Netflix in 2019, no one could have predicted the show's meteoric rise and that it would soon establish itself as the top melodrama in the streaming service's catalog in just a few short years, attracting millions of viewers invested in Mel, Jack, and the other residents of the titular town. Despite its success and loyal fan base, Virgin River has some persistent issues it can't seem to overcome, the most significant being the writers' inability to devote equal attention to the story's secondary characters as they do to the protagonists.

In the recently released Season 5, fans were once again left grappling with an underdeveloped romantic storyline, questioning why the writers keep making such glaring missteps. This time, they chose to pair two unlikely characters - Muriel and Cameron. While there is a fifteen-year age gap between them, with Muriel nearing 60, this is not the primary reason fans disapprove of the couple.

Opposites Repel

Viewers are puzzled as to why Cameron would choose to date Muriel, given his expressed desire for children in the previous season, a wish Muriel cannot fulfill. Moreover, the pair share no chemistry or common interests, making their scenes painfully awkward to watch.

Is It the Age or Lack of Chemistry? Virgin River's Worst Couple Revealed - image 1

Fans agree that Muriel deserves the best and hope that the remaining two episodes of Season 5, due to be released on November 30, will introduce a more suitable love interest for her.

'They are not suitable for each other. And that is a pity. Let’s hope they bring in a nice thespian from LA who comes to VR to put up a live Shakespearian play. Muriel plays the female lead and they hopelessly fall in love… As for Cameron, his soulmate must be out there somewhere. Maybe in the hospital in Grace Valley…' a fan said.

Road Ahead

However, not all viewers believe that Muriel and Cameron make a poor couple, arguing that despite both characters being initially disliked, they could potentially work given sufficient character development.

'I don’t really like him, but let’s be honest, who liked Muriel in the earlier seasons? They both are/were annoying but both have redeeming qualities, so let’s see what the show runners will do,' another fan noted.

Do you think Muriel and Cameron are endgame material?