Game of Thrones Fans Just Came Up With a Way Better Ending

Game of Thrones Fans Just Came Up With a Way Better Ending
Image credit: Legion-Media

Fans are still not over the controversial finale.

HBO's Game of Thrones is often cited as one of the best-written television series the medium has ever seen. George R. R. Martin's original writing has been expertly translated to the screen and brought to life by the fantasy saga's wonderful cast, but while everyone loved the HBO adaptation for most of its run, you can't find a single fan who liked the controversial finale of the overly great final season.

The idea that Daenerys would become a megalomaniac capable of killing thousands of innocent people to claim the Iron Throne sounded like a bad joke, but for some reason, the Game of Throne writers decided to use it as a canon ending for the show. Now, even though it's been four years since Game of Thrones ended, fans are still not over the finale and have finally come up with the best possible way to end the show.

According to fans on Reddit, the series should have ended with a depressing image of the White Walkers' Night King sitting on the Iron Throne, with all the other characters standing right behind him with glowing blue eyes. Yes, the idea of the White Walkers winning and destroying all of Westeros may sound a bit strange, but it would actually be perfectly in line with Martin's writing, which is famous for its unapologetic violence.

Game of Thrones Fans Just Came Up With a Way Better Ending - image 1

It's no secret that fans hated the way the show handled the White Walkers, arguing that the biggest threat in the history of Westeros shouldn't have been swept under the rug so quickly.

'I'll say it again. With all the lead up and foreshadowing, the real battle with the White Walkers should have lasted at least an entire season,' one fan said.

But even though fans' idea for the ending looks a lot cooler than what we got in reality, some people are still a little torn about the prospect of seeing the Night King on the throne, saying that this villain doesn't really need that superficial honor.

'He definitely wouldn't care about the throne and most likely didn't even know it existed. He also wouldn't conquer King's Landing [and] then just stay there, he'd keep moving south to Dorne and take over all of Westeros,' another fan argued.

Source: Reddit.