Everyone Despises This SVU Character, and Honestly, Can You Blame Them?

This character really pissed fans off.
Undoubtedly, Dick Wolf's Law & Order: SVU remains one of the most popular police procedurals on television today. Even though the show debuted in the dim and distant 1999, the writers have kept the storylines compelling, consistently introducing new characters and developing familiar ones in intriguing ways.
While SVU has a fairly large ensemble cast, especially in comparison to other primetime crime shows, it's clear which character fans loathe the most. The way this individual is written, they have managed to alienate both the main characters and the audience.
Although serial killers featured in the show, such as William Lewis, might seem like the obvious candidates for the title of the most loathed person in the show, there's another character fans detest even more, even though she's not a murderer.
We're talking about Bronwyn Freed-Wilkins, one of the jurors tasked with establishing whether Lewis was guilty of rape and attempted murder.
Initially appearing level-headed, she strangely grew so infatuated with Lewis that she persuaded her fellow jurors to acquit him of most charges, only finding him guilty of assaulting and kidnapping a police officer. Yet, that isn't the main reason fans despise her.
Following the trial, Freed corresponded with Lewis and eventually smuggled in a drug enabling the serial killer to flee from the hospital. While Lewis subsequently took his own life, Freed's earlier defence of his innocence makes her actions seem even more egregious.
Her questionable behaviour didn't end there. Later in the series, Freed changed her name and began working as a group counsellor in a prison, even though she was clearly ill-suited for such a role.
Reportedly, she became enamoured of another dangerous inmate and assisted him and an accomplice in their escape, resulting in two deaths. Predictably, her criminal partners turned on her, and the last we saw of her was when she was awaiting trial for her actions.
But the question remains, will we ever see this most hated SVU character again?