7 Infamous Movie Plot Holes That Have a Perfectly Logical Explanation

Some people just love to find a plot hole in a film. But sometimes these supposed plot holes have very simple explanations.
Here are 7 examples of infamous plot holes that are easily explained:
1. Home Alone - How does Kevin order a pizza when the phone lines are down?
His parents were trying to make a long-distance call, which at the time ran on a different line. So it's perfectly plausible that while they couldn't get in touch with their son, he was able to make a local call for a pizza delivery.
2. The Shawshank Redemption - How did Andy put the poster back on the wall after he escaped?
He didn't. It's a big poster, covering the entire hole. And if you look closely, you'll see that earlier in the film, Andy is digging the hole with his head under the poster. This shows that he only secured it at the top, making it a handy flap both for digging and for his escape.
3. Avengers: Endgame - How did Thanos get his army into the future?
This is a good question, as the film makes it clear that every time traveller needs their own Pym Particle. But Thanos is an evil genius. And as co-director Joe Russo explained: 'There is a guy called Maw in [Thanos'] army, he was a great wizard. Those two easily reverse-engineered and mass-produced Pym Particles.'
4. Back to the Future - Why didn't Marty's parents recognise him from the future?
First of all, he was in their lives for about a week. Sure, they would have remembered him, but not every detail of his face. Also, young Marty gradually grew into the Marty we see on screen. Even if he did start to look a little familiar, is time travel likely to be the explanation?
5. The Dark Knight Rises - How did Bruce Wayne get back to Gotham unprotected?
He had three weeks to get back, is a man of immense skill and knows the city like the back of his hand. Besides, most billionaires can call in a favour now and again. It's not a plot hole, it just wasn't necessary to show his journey.
6. Star Wars: A New Hope - How does Leia escape from the stormtroopers without getting shot?
They let her. Killing or capturing the princess would have achieved nothing. Allowing her to escape so the Imperial forces could track her to the Rebel base was part of the plan. But they had to make it look like they were after her so as not to reveal the plan.
7. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Why doesn't Indy become immortal?
OK, technically he's still alive, so we don't know that he's mortal. More specifically, the Knight made it clear that the Grail could not pass beyond the Great Seal. So while he may have been immortal for a few seconds, he soon gave it up to save his father.
Source: WGTC.