5 Most Forgettable Community Episodes That Can Be Skipped on Rewatch

The iconic show also had its share of missteps.
While Community is widely considered one of the most unique and entertaining sitcoms out there, any show that long can't possibly consist of only great episodes. Even the best writers in the world aren't able to keep up that pace without making some painful missteps along the way.
So here are five Community episodes that fans think are forgettable and can be skipped on rewatch.
Economics of Marine Biology (Season 4 Episode 7)
While the idea of Abed starting a fraternity just to annoy Dean must have looked hilarious on paper, this forgettable episode unfortunately relegated that storyline to the subplot category while giving all the attention to the incredibly boring plotline of how Jeff tried to keep Pierce occupied. Yikes.
History 101 (Season 4 Episode 1)
Season 4 as a whole is considered to be the worst in Community history, and this premiere episode perfectly proves that notion. The great idea of a Hunger Games-style tournament for college admission was mercilessly butchered by the writers, who turned this exciting episode into a totally skippable affair.
Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy (Season 2 Episode 18)
While this episode can be quite funny in some moments, the central idea of a war criminal enrolling in college is far too dark and controversial for Community, a show known for its feel-good vibes. The whole storyline felt out of place, forcing many fans to skip it while rewatching.
Laws of Robotics & Party Rights (Season 6 Episode 5)
The idea of a criminal visiting classes through a special robot sounds pretty funny, but the writers decided to turn it into a simple gimmick, making the whole episode feel overly long and tedious.
G.I. Jeff (Season 5 Episode 11)
And finally, one of the most infamous episodes in Community history! Yes, the one where the entire gang is transformed into cartoon characters. The whole episode feels like a hot mess to watch even for the most dedicated fans of the show. After all, people watched Community for its college vibes, not some extended cartoon sequences.