Young Sheldon Season 6 Set on Making Mandy Extremely Unlikable, and Fans Not Having It

Young Sheldon Season 6 Set on Making Mandy Extremely Unlikable, and Fans Not Having It
Image credit: CBS

She deserves far more credit than the show’s giving her.

As the prequel progresses, more stories unfold. Currently, season 6 of Young Sheldon is airing and approaching its conclusion, delving into the turmoil within the Cooper family and exploring Sheldon's older brother Georgie's fatherhood journey.

In addition, the sixth season appears to be recounting the story of Georgie's first marriage and its failure, as the mother of his child, to whom he proposed, becomes increasingly unlikable. However, the show's fans are not willing to accept this development.

Georgie and Mandy's relationship began on a dishonest note, as both concealed their true ages. He was seventeen, while she was twenty-nine. When the truth emerged, it seemed as though they would never see each other again, but then Mandy learned she was pregnant. Despite Mandy's occasional harsh treatment of him, Georgie supported her throughout. Even after the baby's birth, she continues to give him a hard time and comes across as unappreciative. It seems that the show is intentionally making her an unpleasant character, but fans are not amused.

Perhaps Young Sheldon is indeed highlighting the challenges in Georgie and Mandy's relationship, which could explain their divorce if she turns out to be his first wife. However, she certainly deserves more credit and empathy than the spinoff is giving her.

‘Mandy is a wonderful woman facing many hard choices. She has few skills, little money, is unwed, and has a baby. Her parents are not being very supportive. The young man she slept with turned out to be a boy who lied about being an adult. When he proposes and she doesn't instantly say yes, he pouts,’ one Redditor wrote in her support.

Another possibility is that Mandy is still recovering from her pregnancy with Ceecee. After all, it had only been two weeks since she gave birth when Georgie proposed.

In any case, Mandy is a character many fans seem to relate to and deserves better treatment from the writers. At the very least, they should try to sympathise with and understand her, given her circumstances.

Fortunately, her portrayal may still change in the remaining four episodes of Young Sheldon's sixth season. Episode 19 is set to air on 4 May on CBS.

Source: Reddit.