Young Sheldon S06E20 Finale Twist is a Sad Metaphor of Sheldon's Life

Young Sheldon S06E20 Finale Twist is a Sad Metaphor of Sheldon's Life
Image credit: CBS

Sheldon has no clue about people’s real incentive to help him collect the money for his trip to Germany.

Almost a year on from its debut, Young Sheldon's sixth season is finally reaching its climax, with the grand finale just around the corner. Two episodes are set to air consecutively on 18 May.

These are expected to see Sheldon and Mary journey to Germany while the remaining Coopers stay home and face a natural disaster.

However, this eagerly anticipated trip almost didn't happen. In the German for Beginners and a Crazy Old Man with a Bat episode, Sheldon's parents discovered that the university wouldn't cover the costs. The Coopers couldn't afford it themselves, so Sheldon came up with the idea of selling some of his possessions, but this proved unsuccessful.

Fortunately, Dr. Linkletter and Pastor Jeff came to the rescue with envelopes filled with cash. They rallied support at the university and the church and managed to gather generous donations for Sheldon's trip - enough for both him and Mary to spend the entire forthcoming summer in Germany.

While this may appear to be a kind gesture on their part - for example, Dr. Linkletter even donated his weekly salary - it's actually a poignant metaphor for Sheldon's life. Unlike his father, the boy failed to understand that people were giving him money not out of a desire to help or because they 'loved' him, as he suggested, but rather because they were psyched about the prospect of a three-month respite from his presence.

‘I’ve never seen the collection plate so full,’ Pastor Jeff remarked as he handed over the money.

People seem willing to go to any length to minimise Sheldon's impact on their lives, even if it means allowing him to triumph. Later, Sheldon learns to exploit this tendency and uses it to his advantage. Consider episode 16 of The Big Bang Theory's seventh season. Sheldon objects to a new table that the rest of the characters are quite fond of and refuses to sit at it. The group eventually capitulate and discard the table, purely to avoid Sheldon making a scene over it.

Whatever the case may be, Sheldon got what he wanted and is going to Germany after all. You can watch him leave on CBS on 18 May.