Years Later, TBBT Fans Are Still Divided Over This Controversial Episode

This fight between the characters still provokes a lot of discussion.
- Much of TBBT's humor comes from the fights between the show's characters.
- In Season 11, Raj and Howard had a very serious argument that left many viewers feeling uncomfortable.
- To this day, TBBT fans are divided over who was right in that fight.
When The Big Bang Theory debuted in 2007, it wasn't clear that it would become one of today's most popular sitcoms. It took a few years for the comedy about a group of dorky CalTech scientists and their friends to catch on with audiences, but soon TBBT was winning over millions of viewers around the world with its hilarious jokes, portrayal of underdog characters and their awkward relationships.
However, the main factor behind TBBT's success is undoubtedly the amusing dynamics between the main characters, who constantly poked fun at each other over the course of the show's twelve-season run on CBS. Raj and Howard's friendship is the best example of this, as the two characters were often very toxic towards each other, which was fun to watch. But just like in real life, the situation couldn't go on forever.
Enough Is Enough
In the tenth episode of Season 11, Raj and Howard have a major falling out after Raj realizes that Howard has only ridiculed him over the years instead of showing a little support. Determined to regain his self-confidence, Raj decides to distance himself from Wolowitz, who doesn't agree that it's his fault that his friend is a loser.
Eventually, the two characters make up and continue to make fun of each other and the rest of the gang, forgetting about their seemingly serious feud. But the episode proved so controversial that TBBT fans are still divided over Raj and Howard's conflict.
Turning Tables
Apparently, many fans of The Big Bang Theory support Raj in his decision to call out his best friends for years of emotional abuse.
'Raj's reaction was very on point with addressing a real-life friend giving you too much sh*t,' one Reddit user wrote.
The consensus is that while it's important to be able to make jokes about each other, friends need to be there to support you first and foremost, because if your relationship is a constant exchange of barbs, it's not a friendship.
'At a certain point there's just a line between banter and genuine irritation. If I was Raj, I would have snapped a lot sooner,' another Redditor chimed in.
At the same time, other people point out that Howard is not the cause of Raj's problems.
'Raj and his dad were both in the wrong for pinning the blame on Howard,' yet another Redditor offered a counterpoint. 'The truth of the matter is that Raj's lack of success with relationships is his problem and he's apparently had his issue with talking with girls outside of his family long before coming to the States and meeting Howard, so that in itself just proves that he's had self-esteem baggage already.'
Ultimately, there seems to be no right answer to the question of who was right in this situation. Fortunately, it didn't last long and Raj and Howard quickly returned to normal.
Source: Reddit.