Why Is Olivia Wilde's Net Worth Not as High as We Thought?

American actress and filmmaker Olivia Wilde is best known for playing Remy Hadley in House MD and Eleanor Cooper in Love the Coopers.
Olivia also happens to be the ex-wife of Jason Sudeikis whom you might know as Ted Lasso.
In other words, Olivia is famous and totally qualifies as a celebrity. Now, one general assumption about celebrities is that they're all rich and the masses love counting their money or, in more technical terms, guesstimating their net worth.
When Olivia's actual net worth was leaked recently, it proved to be shockingly lower than any previous estimate.
Olivia is currently entangled in a legal battle with Jason Sudeikis over the custody of their kids, so as part of the court proceedings, she was recently required to disclose all her income and assets. The information inevitably got leaked to the press.
The Daily Mail got hold of it and revealed that Olivia's current net worth is a little over 10.5 million dollars with just 645,000 as cash in bank accounts. Olivia is currently making 70,000 dollars and spending 107,000 dollars a month, meaning she's burning cash at an appreciable rate.
Her real total net worth is not even close to what people thought it was.
For example, Celebrity Net Worth "investigators" guestimated her to be worth at least 25 million dollars. That's fifteen million more than her real net worth. The Celebrity Net Worth "guestimate" included Olivia's income as an actress and director as well as her real properties. Well, apparently, it was pure speculation.
People love fantasising about the lives of the rich and powerful. In our imagination, celebrities have so much money they use it as wallpaper in their mansions, and there's always more where it came from.
The brutal reality is, however, that even though most celebrities do make orders of magnitude more money than your average Joe, they generally tend to spend a lot more as well, often ending up living paycheck to paycheck like the rest of us, except that their paychecks are much bigger than ours.
When Olivia disclosed her net worth to the LA Supreme Court, it was never her intention to make this information public. The disclosure was part of a standard child custody hearing procedure. When the information got leaked to the press, Olivia was none too pleased. However, the leak has allowed us to learn two things: Olivia's real net worth and the fact that celebrity net worth estimators are full of it.