
Why Everyone Hates The Flash's Leaked Cameo, Explained

Why Everyone Hates The Flash's Leaked Cameo, Explained
Image credit: Legion-Media

It's 'evil' and 'digital necromancy'.

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It was an open secret that The Flash was set to feature several cameos. These have become something of a trope for franchises, and it seemed inconceivable that Warner Bros. would avoid including such blatant fanservice.

But one cameo in particular has come in for widespread criticism. A scene featuring CGI Christopher Reeve as Superman has been poorly received by several moviegoers, with one describing it as 'absolutely grotesque'.

So, what's so wrong with the Superman cameo? After all, all the while that the rumour mill has been churning away, it's one that has seemed broadly popular with fans.

As soon as the leak appeared online, however, the comments that came flying in accused the filmmakers of 'disgusting CGI necromancy' and said its inclusion was 'evil'.

It's not the first time a movie has included a CGI likeness of a deceased actor. Neither is it the first time some viewers have objected. There are fans who are simply morally opposed to the idea and will never like it.

It's assumed the late actors' family approved the use of the image, but nonetheless, opposition to the practice as a whole seems legitimate.

Yet, the uproar on this occasion is about more than just the use of CGI representation of a dead actor. After a horse-riding accident in 1995, Reeve was paralysed from the neck down. He used his status as a famous actor to campaign for disability rights and inspire others in a similar position to continue to live their lives.

Why Everyone Hates The Flash's Leaked Cameo, Explained - image 1

While he will always be known for his fantastic portrayal of both Clark Kent and his alter-ego, Reeve's legacy is also heavily impacted by his disability activism. Yet in the cameo, he's standing up. Some see this as insensitive.

Concerns have also been raised about the quality of the image. And this is significant as it opens up the discussion on why the cameo has been included in the movie. If little effort has gone into creating an image that has purpose and shows respect to the actor and character it conveys, questions must be asked about its legitimacy as part of the film. Because if it's just a crude attempt at nostalgia-bait needed to create hype, the argument that this image is disrespectful gains momentum.

And, of course, it's not just CGI that is in the news right now. The WGA strikes came about because of several issues – including the use of AI in writing scripts. If superhero movies continue to go down the line of resurrecting nostalgic characters and stories, surely the use of AI in writing scripts for those movies becomes more prevalent.

And then we're at risk of removing art and creativity from movie making. So, whatever your opinion on CGI recreations of actors who have passed away or the specific use of this image of Christopher Reeve in its context, the discussion it has created about the future of Hollywood makes this a pertinent subject.

Source: Twitter, Twitter.