
Why Blue Bloods Star Tom Selleck Refused Indiana Jones Role

Why Blue Bloods Star Tom Selleck Refused Indiana Jones Role
Image credit: globallookpress

Harrison Ford was the second choice!

Less than 3 minutes into the opening scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark, Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones used his whip to disarm one of his team who threatened to shoot him. And we immediately knew we were watching a character who would go on to reach iconic status.

With the fifth and final instalment of the franchise now out in cinemas, it's hard to imagine any other actor playing the role of Indy. But the part was initially offered to Tom Selleck – with Ford being reluctantly asked to step in when the Blue Bloods actor turned it down.

But how did all this unfold?

And does Selleck regret not playing the adventurer and archaeologist?

Talking to Deadline about the launch of the most recent Indiana Jones movie, Harrison Ford said 'Tom Selleck had the job but also incurred an obligation to do a television series'.

Ford went on to explain that he was the 'second choice' and was quick to thank Selleck for enabling him to take on the role as one of Hollywood's most recognisable heroes.

One of the reasons that Ford wasn't initially approached to take on the part was that George Lucas wasn't keen on working with him again after the pair collaborated on Star Wars. This was no reflection of Ford's acting ability or the working relationship between the pair.

It was simply that Lucas was concerned about him and Ford starting to be seen as close collaborators or some sort of partnership. So, the director preferred to cast Tom Selleck.

Which begs the question, why did Tom Selleck turn down the chance to play Indiana Jones? From what Ford says, the decision was taken out of Selleck's hands as he was 'unable to get out of (his) contract' for the TV show.

As it was, he ended up doing alright out of the show in question – because it was Magnum PI, the series that elevated his status and made Tom Selleck a household name.

Speaking to Rachael Ray, though, Tom Selleck said that contrary to some internet rumours, he didn't technically turn down the role.

'I earned the part', he said. He then told Steven Spielberg and George Lucas that he also had a role in Magnum. The pair didn't consider this a conflict and were happy to go ahead regardless. CBS, however, told Selleck that he couldn't do both.

In the end, though, he said, 'Harrison Kinda did a good job' and described not landing the role of Indiana Jones but making Magnum his own as not 'the worst thing that ever happened'.

Source: Deadline, Rachael Ray Show.