Which Big Bang Theory Character Most Likely to Cheat? We Rank 'Em!

Which Big Bang Theory Character Most Likely to Cheat? We Rank 'Em!
Image credit: Legion-Media

Can you guess who tops the list?

A massively popular, era-defining sitcom of the 2010s, The Big Bang Theory owes much of its appeal to the hilarious and socially awkward main characters — nerdy scientists and pop culture geeks Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard. Despite their lack of social skills, all four characters have romantic affairs throughout the show and three eventually get married.

We've decided to look at the characters and their relationships from an unusual angle — how likely are the beloved nerds to cheat on their partners? Here is our rating!

4. Sheldon

Fans agree that Sheldon is least likely to cheat on his partner, Amy. While Sheldon is very egoistic and could probably betray Amy's trust if he really wanted to, the character is the most socially inept of all, which prevents him from forming close relationships with women. Besides, only a few people can put up with Sheldon's annoying antics, so it'd be hard for him to find someone to cheat on Amy with.

3. Howard

Howard appears to be the most womanizing character on TBBT, but it's unlikely that he would ever cheat on his wife Bernadette. Despite her angelic face and cute voice, she wears the pants in their relationship and controls Howard's cheating tendencies. You may recall that, in Season 4, the couple briefly split up after Bernadette caught her boyfriend having cyber-sex on World of Warcraft. Howard apologized and learned a lesson from that incident.

2. Raj

While Raj couldn't even speak to women at the beginning of TBBT, he has overcome this problem and even compensated for it by dating several girlfriends at once! He managed to simultaneously date Emily and Lucy for a while in Season 7, then he was torn between Emily and Claire, and ended up dating both of them before they broke up with him off-screen in Season 10. Sadly, Raj is the only character who failed to form a lasting relationship by the end of the series.

1. Leonard

Leonard also juggled several romantic interests. He had an affair with Alice, a hot comic book enthusiast, while dating Raj's sister Priya, which led to their breakup (though Priya also cheated on him). The worst thing, however, happened on Leonard and Penny's wedding day when he admitted he once once made out with Mandy Chow, a colleague from Caltech, while already dating his future wife.

'His deep insecurity with himself means that when he gets attention from hot women, he chases the feeling of being wanted,' one fan aptly explained.

That's why Leonard tops our list — but it doesn't mean that he or the other characters are intrinsically bad people! Even when the guys did cheat, they regretted it deeply afterwards. Fans still love them for who they are and are glad their storylines ended happily.

Source: Reddit.