Watch Piers Morgan Mercilessly Troll Andrew Tate For One Hour Straight

When your 'ultra-masculine, ultra-luxurious lifestyle' doesn't allow you to admit tears.
- Andrew Tate is one of the most controversial social media influencers and is now on trial in Romania.
- Tate is facing charges of human trafficking, racketeering and rape.
- He was visited by the most outspoken journalist, Piers Morgan.
- Morgan started trolling Tate almost immediately.
Andrew Tate is one of the most despised figures in contemporary internet culture (not counting those who blindly believe all of his ostentatious bravado about wealth, cars, and women).
Everyone else is well aware that this is an incredibly pernicious person that promotes not just moderate conservatism, but conscious exploitation, chauvinism, and racism.
After his arrest in Romania in December 2022 and subsequent house arrest, Andrew Tate and his younger brother Tristan are awaiting trial on charges of organizing a criminal group, sexual exploitation, rape and human trafficking. No more speeches about the luxurious lifestyle of the world's most masculine man, just quiet sobs behind bars. But the silence was broken by Piers Morgan, who visited him in Romania and immediately started trolling him in the interview.
Morgan Got Slammed for This Interview
Even before traveling to Romania to interview Andrew Tate, the 58-year-old TalkTV host was criticized for giving a platform to such a controversial figure responsible for spreading harmful views and far-right ideology. After all, even while under house arrest, Andrew and his brother Tristan continue to be active on social media and participate in podcasts. Not that they lack a platform, especially with an entire cult of misguided teenagers following them!
'He's not as smart as he thinks but he's a clever guy. With characters like this — the more light you shine on them, the better,' Morgan responded to the criticism on TalkTV.
But That Didn't Stop Him From Trolling Tate
Piers Morgan's interviewing style is characterized by its bluntness and its ability to put the interviewee in an uncomfortable position, not just to get the truth out, but to show the public how a flashy Internet persona can be different from a real one, which is much more vulnerable and shows all of its hypocrisy. This is why the thoughtful trolling of Tate was so successful, despite all the backlash against Morgan.
During the interview, the conversation turned to Tate's crying as part of a conversation about his experience in a Romanian prison. Naturally, the influencer began to vehemently insist that there was no crying at all, just 'tears running down [his face].' It seems that hypermasculinity is indeed so fragile that a 'real man' Andrew Tate is even afraid to admit himself crying!
Then Morgan started a linguistic debate with Tate, trying to semantically identify the differences between the terms 'running tears' and 'crying'.
Of course, there is no difference, and Piers himself was well aware of this, but this kind of digging showed how much media personalities manipulate public opinion. So Piers Morgan's interview was a witty trolling that showed Andrew Tate to be very insecure in reality, unlike the public image created on the internet.