Virgin River: Who's Mel's Real Father? All the Likely Candidates, Ranked

Let's do a bit of Mamma Mia.
In true dramatic fashion, the mid-season finale of Virgin River Season 5 left us grappling with a significant mystery. Mel discovered that one of the residents of the idyllic Northern California town she moved to a year ago is her biological father.
While this is a startling and somewhat contrived twist, it paves the way for numerous new possibilities for Mel's arc. Our beloved protagonist might be gaining an entirely new family. The trailer for the holiday specials, slated to premiere on Netflix on November 30, promises that we'll learn the identity of this mysterious father before Christmas.
But if you, like us, can't contain your curiosity, let's take a closer look at all the Virgin River residents of a certain age and discuss the likelihood of one of them being Mel's father.
5. Bert
The local tow truck driver is likable, and seeing more of him would be delightful. However, there's no discernible connection between him and Mel. Also, he appears somewhat younger than the other candidates.
4. Buck
An obvious guess is Lily's late husband, Buck. He's dead and gone, but there is a robust, almost sisterly bond between Mel and his daughters, Tara, Chloe, and now Ava. It would be heartwarming if they turned out to be her real family.
However, it is repeatedly emphasized that Buck and Lily were high school sweethearts. Hence, the 'he cheated on her' narrative would be excessively harsh. Besides, the trailer suggests that Mel's father is still alive and residing in Virgin River.
3. Charlie
Though a minor character, the local crop duster owner is an intriguing candidate. There were no hints in the show, but Charlie comes across as having a depth similar to Mel. He's also a hero, having used his duster to help extinguish the fires.
Additionally, he mentioned attempting to woo Hope away from Doc in the early years, indicating he was quite active then and could have ended up with Mel's mom.
2. Doc
From a character development standpoint, Doc is the most likely candidate. His relationship with Mel goes back a long way. Their bond has evolved since Season 1 into a genuine father-daughter dynamic. Moreover, Doc has already shown that infidelity is not beneath him.
However, for the same reason, this seems like an improbable development. How can one man have two secret love children revealed in the same year?
1. Nick
The businessman involved in Jack's glamping venture, the brother of local magnate Melissa, and the temporary mayor has played a much more significant role this season than before. This leads one to speculate that he might be Mel's father despite the absence of any connection or chemistry between them.
Moreover, his wife Jo Ellen mentioned in a recent episode that she wondered what their life would be like with children. If that's not a subtle hint, what is?