Virgin River Theory Suggests How Exactly Charmaine Will Be Written Off

The idea is wild yet pretty logical.
Since its premiere in 2019, Netflix's Virgin River has fascinated viewers with the stories of its many characters. However, as the show primarily focuses on Melinda Monroe, a recently widowed nurse who relocates to the eponymous small town, it is her arc that fans are most enthralled by.
Throughout Virgin River's five-season run, Mel's story has seen numerous events, both positive and negative. Her romance with Jack Sheridan is the driving force of the entire show, but it is not without complications.
For instance, Charmaine, the most despised character in VR, has created tension between them. Understandably, the audience wants this disagreeable woman out of Virgin River. Now, a fan has come up with an ingenious idea for how to write her out of the show.
Never-Ending Pregnancy
Although it has been five years since the release of Virgin River's first season, seemingly little time has elapsed in the show. Charmaine, who became pregnant in season 1, astonishingly continues to carry twins into season 5. This glaringly unnatural delay is understandably viewed with suspicion by the audience, who suspect it may be leading up to a big plot twist.
Consequently, the fan in question has put forward a plausible-sounding theory about Charmaine's pregnancy. They suggest that it might culminate in a tragic birth that will claim the woman's life and leave her newborns orphaned. Given that obstetrics has been a fundamental part of Virgin River's narrative — take Mel's miscarriage as an example, it would align well with the show's overall theme. However, this is not the most intriguing part of the theory.
As it has been established this season that Mel is likely unable to have children of her own, adoption is the only way for her to become a mother. Furthermore, after the miscarriage, Jack reassured Melinda that he was cool with this.
As a result, the fan suggests that Mel and Jack adopt Charmaine's twins and finally become parents. That might seem far-fetched, given the amount of turmoil the woman has caused them, but it would undoubtedly provide the beloved characters a means to fulfill their dream. Most importantly, if that were to happen, Charmaine's extended pregnancy would have finally made sense.
Source: Reddit.