Virgin River Showrunner Confirms What Fans Already Knew About Mel's Real Dad

Virgin River Showrunner Confirms What Fans Already Knew About Mel's Real Dad
Image credit: Netflix

The show's EP has weighed in on the rumors.


  • Virgin River Season 5 features specials for the first time in the show's history.
  • Fans have always suspected that Mel came to Virgin River for a reason.
  • Everyone has their own guess as to who her father is.
  • The show's EP has given us valuable clues.

It's been over a month since season 5 of Virgin River dropped on Netflix, but it remains the talk of the town among fans. Arguably, the many events the latest installment has featured is to blame. Mel's pregnancy and its tragic outcome, Preacher's passionate yet futile romance, Hope's mayoral obligation to rebuild the beloved titular town after devastating wildfires – all of these have captured our attention in season 5. But there's another factor at play behind the audience's excitement.

For the first time since its release in 2019, Virgin River has a split season. Furthermore, the so-called second part of the fifth installment is nothing but a two-episode Christmas special which is also a novelty for the show. Naturally, viewers are looking forward to the upcoming specials – partly because it will solve the riddle of Melinda's father's identity. Certainly, we have our guesses as to who the man is, but now VR's showrunner has confirmed the most popular fan theory.

Virgin River's Biggest Mystery

Melinda Monroe came to Virgin River hoping to start her life over after losing her husband. The quaint little town was a beacon of hope for her, but there was always the question: why exactly did Mel choose Virgin River?

When we learned that her biological father was from the town, that was the answer. But now there was a bigger mystery. Who was this man?

Quickly, fans profiled every old enough man in the town, spinning multiple theories concerning the identity of Mel's dad. While there were a host of candidates, it was clear that it was a familiar character.

We Already Know Mel's Father

Specifically, the town's doctor was deemed the most suitable candidate to happen to be Mel's father. Naturally, the show's creators have been barraged with pleas to confirm if that is the case. However, they have been terse so far.

'I think the fun of the two upcoming [Christmas] episodes is looking around and realizing it could be anybody in Virgin River,' Patrick Sean Smith, Virgin River's producer, said in an interview. 'So other than Jack's dad, everybody else is a suspect.'

Apparently, we'll have to wait for November 30th when the Christmas episodes premiere to learn if our suspicions hold up.

Source: Glamour.

Do you think Doc is indeed Mel's father?