Virgin River Scenes Fans Can't Help but Skip on Rewatch

Fans of the series don't seem to think many of the storylines are important.
Netflix's romantic series about an LA-based nurse, Mel, who moves to a small California town in search of peace of mind after losing her husband and her unborn child. What she finds there completely changes her life as she quickly makes new friends, meets a new lover and finds herself drawn into the busy life of the small town.
Fans love the atmosphere of the series, calling Virgin River the perfect show to lift their spirits. However, some scenes still remain a little awkward to watch again.
Even the biggest Virgin River fans cannot deny that sometimes the series seems too silly to be taken seriously, and many find this fact not only tolerable but also appealing.
After the release of each season, fans gather on Reddit to poke fun at the series, discussing all the bad subplots and making fun of poorly written characters.
Thanks to this, Virgin River has managed to stay relevant since its release in 2019, and many fans are still revisiting it to this day. But what scenes do fans skip during these rewatching sessions?
The most common answer to this question is all the scenes in which John 'Preacher' Middleton appears. Even though the character is a nice guy and the actor himself looks really great, fans just can't watch Preacher because his lines are disgustingly badly written and the actor himself doesn't try to act.
All this makes his scenes a chore to sit through and people prefer to skip them altogether.
Charmaine's storyline is the second most popular choice for skipping since she was pregnant with twins from the very first season, and the subplot has not been developed in the slightest since then.
People just got tired of watching the same thing over and over again and since the writers failed to refresh her storyline, fans just skip all the scenes involving Charmaine on repeat viewings.