Virgin River's Season 5 Trailer Ghosted Charmaine, And Fans Just Can't Even

Thank God she's not the center of attention anymore.
It's less than a month before Virgin River's fifth season premieres on Netflix, and the service has just dropped a trailer to tease fans and rekindle their excitement for the series.
But that wasn't actually necessary, as Virgin River has been by far the most popular romantic drama on the platform in recent years and lots of people have long been dying to see the new installment.
Debuting in 2019, Virgin River quickly garnered a massive fan base, attracting viewers' attention with the story of lovable nurse Mel Monroe who moved from LA to the small titular town in California. In the course of four seasons, fans got to meet the residents of this cozy place and delve deep into their many dramas. Some of the characters have grown on the audience and become fan favorites over time, but others proved to be a rather annoying presence.
That's why fans were hugely glad that the Season 5 trailer did not feature one of the key characters from earlier installments.
Played by Lauren Hammersley, Charmaine Roberts is arguably Virgin River's most despicable character. She constantly spins lies and gets in the way of Mel's happiness, which is why literally no viewer would object if Charmaine disappeared from the series completely. And quite promisingly, this is just what the Season 5 trailer seems to suggest.
The preview clip focuses on Mel and Jack's relationship, their high-risk pregnancy, other characters' personal dramas, and a natural disaster that seemingly wipes out Virgin River, leaving its inhabitants to deal with the aftermath. But among the many storylines the trailer touches upon, none involves Charmaine, making the fandom heave a sigh of relief.
Even if Charmaine makes an appearance in the new season, it looks like she's not going to take as much screen time as she used to in the previous chapters of Virgin River. Naturally, fans praise the writers' decision to get rid of the character and have shared their approval online.
'That's exactly what I'm hoping. [Charmaine] clearly isn't moving into the cabin and no sign of her and twins, so maybe we will get lucky and get a few minutes of her getting on the plane to Portland!' a fan exclaimed on Reddit.
We'll see what the future holds for Charmaine and the other characters on September 7, when the much anticipated Season 5 finally lands on Netflix.
Source: Reddit.