These 5 Issues Turned Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Into a Trainwreck

These 5 Issues Turned Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Into a Trainwreck
Image credit: Netflix

The show has gotten significantly worse since Season 1.

Sweet Magnolias' third season was released only two weeks ago, but it has managed to sour a large portion of the audience. Revolving around three girlfriends from the South Carolinian town of Serenity — Maddie, Dana Sue, and Helen — the show follows their personal and professional lives, which are full of hardships and confusion.

When Sweet Magnolias premiered in 2020, it received a very warm response from both the audience and critics who appreciated the show's quaintness. Naturally, it was only a matter of time before the project got renewed for a second season, which came out in 2022.

Season 3 dropped only a year later — on July 20, 2023 — and so far, it has made many viewers question if the producers were right to sacrifice Sweet Magnolias' original quality over a quick release.

Here are five reasons why Sweet Magnolias' third installment is a total failure.

5. Monotonous

While Seasons 1 and 2 introduced viewers to the show's fascinating drama, they also did a good job of entertaining them, oscillating between humor and emotional turmoil. In the third season, however, there's no such dynamism.

For instance, there are too many monologues by Helen, which does the character a huge disservice, turning the accomplished attorney into a wimp.

4. Badly acted

Although the main cast does a fantastic job in their roles, some of the secondary characters are given more limelight this season, but the actors who play them cannot seemingly handle it. Noreen, who's the main source of drama in Season 3, comes across as rigid, and many viewers don't find Jamie Lynn Spears' delivery convincing.

3. Illogical

The multiple secondary characters and their storylines dilute the main narrative and also make it highly incoherent.

When Isaac learns that he is, in fact, Bill and Peggy's son, why does he go to Noreen with this information, instead of confronting one of his birth parents? His decision is plain weird, and it's not the only example of nonsensical writing in Season 3.

2. Unfair

The previous seasons of Sweet Magnolias encouraged the good characters, spreading the message that everyone gets what they deserve. However, Season 3 diverges from this idea significantly when Kathy Boseman doesn't get punished for her nasty actions.

The woman tried to destroy Sullivan's by poaching their chef and later trashed the place, but all she got for this was a hefty check. This storyline has left many viewers unsatisfied and disappointed.

1. Poorly designed

Fans have already noted that Brooke Elliott's stylist does a lousy job concealing the best parts of the actress' figure while amplifying her imperfections. In Season 3, this character design problem gets even worse, as Dana Sue's makeup and wardrobe are less becoming than ever. For example, her renewal dress is the worst among the trio, making the character look older than she is.