The Only Ship-Worthy Couple on Vampire Diaries (And It's So Not Stelena)

The iconic show had only one definitive couple.
Undoubtedly, The CW's The Vampire Diaries has been one of the most popular romantic shows of the past decade, captivating audiences with the intertwined lives of vampires, witches, and werewolves as they save the world while navigating romantic relationships and breakups. While the central love triangle between Elena, Damon, and Stefan was heralded as one of the best in recent television history, it wasn't the show's ultimate pairing.
Even though the series concluded in 2017, fans continue to passionately debate which romantic arc from the show should be considered the best. It would appear that the definitive top pairing has finally been determined.
Unlikely Couple
Few would have predicted that hybrid Tyler Lockwood would be considered the ideal romantic partner. However, his relationship with vampire Caroline Forbes has defied expectations, with the fandom largely agreeing that this couple was the best on TVD.
That's not to say Tyler was a perfect character, particularly in his treatment of Matt Donovan. He not only treated Matt's sister poorly but also began dating Caroline immediately after she broke up with Matt. Nevertheless, Tyler's flaws didn't prevent him from being part of the show's top couple.
Pitch Perfect Pairing
Unquestionably, the chemistry between Tyler and Caroline was palpable, with the actors successfully conveying their characters' deep affection for each other. Each scene they shared was charged with excitement and passion, a claim no other couple on TVD can make.
Despite their eventual breakup on the show, fans still remember them as the best romance the writers ever conceived. Actors Michael Trevino and Candice King can certainly take pride in such an accomplishment.
Apologies to Stelena fans, but Tyler and Caroline were simply more compelling to watch. After all, it's quite a feat for a couple comprised of supporting characters to outshine the main couple in a romantic show, don't you think?