The One Film Nicole Kidman Regretted Doing With Tom Cruise (And No, It's Not Eyes Wide Shut)

The iconic ex-couple shouldn't have made this movie together.
In the early 1990s, director Tony Scott approached Tom Cruise, already a popular actor at the time, to ask him to star in his movie Days of Thunder, a drama about a race car driver who falls in love with an innocent young nurse.
Cruise quickly agreed, not knowing that this production would change his life forever — on set, the actor first met Nicole Kidman, a young actress from Australia whom he married just a year later.
Although the breakup between Cruise and Kidman was one of the ugliest in Hollywood history, the duo was one of the most popular people in the world during their heyday. Of course, since they were both actors, Kidman and Cruise decided to cement their marriage with a big romantic movie starring them, and it looks like Kidman still regrets this decision to this day.
Ron Howard's Far and Away, which hit the screens in 1992, proved to be a rather underwhelming project for the two actors, as it barely managed to make the studio's money back and was practically destroyed by both fans and critics. However, that's not why Nicole Kidman is lamenting her role in the movie.
'In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have done a movie with [Cruise] so quickly. I probably should have done more by myself to be seen independently,' Kidman said.
It looks like the actress still feels that her connection to Tom Cruise made her career look stale in the early days, as her role in Far and Away certainly didn't compliment her as an actress. Nicole was probably bound by her desire to please her husband to say no to that production, even if she wanted to star in more risky and challenging projects at the time.
Fortunately, Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise did manage to star in a well-received movie together a little later, playing the lead roles in Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, in which both shocked fans with their insane performances. Sadly, the controversial film seemed to have foreshadowed the couple's breakup, which took place shortly after.
Source: Entertainment Weekly.