The Mind-Blowing Sansa Plot Twist Game of Thrones Author Scrapped

The Mind-Blowing Sansa Plot Twist Game of Thrones Author Scrapped
Image credit: Legion-Media

Everything would have been different!

One of the most compelling elements of Game of Thrones was that viewers knew that no one was safe and that anyone could be turned. OK, so Ned Stark was generally seen as a man of virtue – but let's not forget that he effectively held Theon Greyjoy prisoner for years and helped create the huge rift between the Ironborn king and his son.

No character was perfect. And with so many playing the game of thrones, deceit and betrayal were rife.

But one storyline originally included by George R.R. Martin would have changed the whole story. Sansa Stark was to marry Joffrey, bear him a son and then, when the chips were down, choose her new family over her blood relations.

As revealed by Insider, Martin's original pitch read:

'Each of the contending families will learn it has a member of dubious loyalty in its midst. Sansa Stark, wed to Joffrey Baratheon, will bear him a son, the heir to the throne. And when the crunch comes she will choose her husband and child over her parents and siblings, a choice she will later bitterly rue.'

Think about this for a moment. Not only would Sansa have blatantly betrayed everything her family name stood for – she would have completely changed the plot. Most likely, Tommen would never have become king.

What would that have meant for Cersei's quest for power? We simply don't know. Maybe the High Sparrow wouldn't have got his claws into the wheels of governance. Which means the Sept of Baelor might have lasted at least until Daenerys showed up riding Drogon. And the Tyrells could still be living it up in Highgarden.

That's if Dany ever made it that far. Without Sansa at his side, Jon Snow might never have conquered the North. Not to mention poor old Theon, who might never have escaped his alter ego, Reek.

And, of course, Sansa's name would have been added to Arya's list – and she ticked off quite a few of them.

Sansa's character arc was one of a meek girl falling further and further into despair as she mourned the loss of two parents and a brother, and was completely in the dark about her sister's fate. At every turn, things looked bleaker for her – until she was reunited with Jon.

Finally, with a family member by her side, she was able to harness all the negativity she had endured and come back fighting. None of this could have happened if Sansa had chosen to betray her family values.

So hats off to George R.R. Martin for making the right choice.

Source: Insider.