
The Markle Sparkle: Meghan's 10 Unforgettable Red Carpet Looks

The Markle Sparkle: Meghan's 10 Unforgettable Red Carpet Looks
Image credit: globallookpress, Legion-Media

Meghan Markle is one of the most talked-about celebrities of recent years, and her impeccable style is just one of the reasons why (and, well, we all know the other reason, aren't we?)

If there's one celebrity whose style we can't get enough of, it's the one and only Meghan Markle. Whether she's walking the red carpet or running errands, Meghan always manages to look effortlessly chic.

And that's why we've put together a list of her top 10 most unforgettable red carpet looks. Let's take a look!

Who Knew the Old Lady From Titanic Was Such a Hottie Once?

Meghan Markle seriously rocked the red carpet in this unforgettable ensemble. It's safe to say that everyone's jaws dropped when she stepped out in this showstopper. Bravo, Meghan!

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This Meghan Markle dress had us all doing a double-take – can we say, "queen vibes"? The Duchess of Sussex made a fashion statement that is sure to be remembered for years to come. Slay, girl!

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When Meghan Markle graced the red carpet in this jaw-dropping pregnant look, it was like time stopped. The grace, the sheer elegance of this outfit will be talked about for decades. We're not worthy!

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Is it even possible for Meghan Markle to look more stunning? This red carpet dress had us all speechless, and it's no wonder why – she was the epitome of glamour and sophistication. Can we please borrow this dress for our next big event?

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Meghan Markle's flawless fashion sense was on full display when she stepped out in this dazzling red carpet gown. This unforgettable moment will go down in history as one of her most iconic looks ever. All hail the Duchess of Style!

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Okay, we need to talk about this Meghan Markle red carpet look. From the moment she stepped onto the scene, everyone knew that she was a force to be reckoned with in the fashion world. This dress proves it once again – she's simply unstoppable!

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If you thought you'd seen Meghan Markle at her most fabulous, think again! This red carpet gown took things to a whole new level of stunning, and we can't get enough. This is the epitome of #FashionGoals!

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Meghan Markle's ability to slay the red carpet knows no bounds, and this legendary look is no exception. She truly outdid herself with this one, and the world couldn't help but be captivated by her exquisite sense of style. Breathtaking!

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When Meghan Markle appeared on the red carpet in this absolute masterpiece, it was clear that she had claimed her rightful place in the fashion hall of fame. Yas, queen!

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Just when we thought Meghan Markle couldn't possibly top her previous red carpet looks, she went and blew us away with this number. The style, the grace, the pure unadulterated glamour – this dress will be remembered as one of the greatest fashion moments of all time. Bow down to the Duchess of Chic!

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