The Lucifer Episode That's So Underrated It's Practically a Crime

The Lucifer Episode That's So Underrated It's Practically a Crime
Image credit: Netflix

There was always much more to Lucifer than just solving crimes, and one episode proves the show has plenty to give.

Over its 6 season run Lucifer captured the hearts of its many fans. With fantastic writing, witty jokes and interesting characters, there are many notable episodes throughout.

Yet one episode, in particular, stands out as possibly the most underrated of them all; once we explain why you are bound to agree.

Season 3 Episode 13 'Til Death Do Us Part'

The episode in question is 'Til Death Do Us Part' in season 3. To quickly recap the plot, the story focuses on the odd dynamic between Lucifer and Marcus Pierce (AKA Caine). After a murder in a local suburb is discovered, the two polar-opposite characters are forced into a fake couple scenario as part of an undercover operation.

As Lucifer immerses himself in the role of an exuberant house husband, Pierce remains his brooding and resistant self. Their contrasting chemistry leads to much comedic brilliance, culminating in an awkward yet hilarious kiss between the pair to keep their cover.

Why is the Episode so Underrated

We'll admit that Til Death Do Us Part may not have the best plot of the series. In fact, even the crime is fairly mellow compared to most in the episodes. Yet the storyline of putting Lucifer and Pierce together as a fake couple is simply genius. The scenario becomes a playground for the pair to work off each other's contrasting personalities.

Of course, this leads to several stand-out moments, including an awkward dinner with the over-friendly neighbors where they have to feign intimacy, and a hilarious framed image of the two of them embracing. The production definitely went all out to exploit the clear chemistry between the two actors.

The episode also hosts one of the best fight scenes from the series, where Lucifer invades a drug den using his angelic gifts, taking down multiple gang members with ease. The choreography is fantastic and, frankly, on par with what you might see in an action movie.

What the Fans Say

While Til Death Do Us Part might only hold an average rating of 8.8/10 on IMDB, it's clear that this rating doesn't truly reflect the episode's brilliance. Fans have hailed it for having one of the show's most exceptional side stories, displaying the unique bond between Lucifer and Pierce.

Some viewers have even claimed it to be their absolute favorite episode of them all. Tom Ellis and Tom Welling have also been praised for delivering fantastic performances here. They embody their characters perfectly, expressing a chemistry between them that we don't usually see.

Across many of Lucifer's episodes, Til Death Do Us Part seems unfairly overlooked. The ingenious way it intertwines character development, humor, and an unlikely friendship between its characters makes it a hidden gem within the series. Next time you're rewatching the devilishly delightful world of Lucifer, remember to give Season 3 Episode 13 the full attention it deserves.

Sources: Reddit.