The Craziest Virgin River Theory That Absolutely Makes Sense

The Craziest Virgin River Theory That Absolutely Makes Sense
Image credit: Netflix

Apparently, we dismissed the character's passing as another dramatic twist too soon.

Throughout its five-season run on Netflix, Virgin River has explored a number of unbelievable storylines. Primarily focused on Melinda Monroe, who moved to the fictional Northern California town after her husband's death, the romantic drama has also delved into the lives of other characters. For example, we have seen the complexities of Hope and Doc's relationship, Preacher's personal struggles, and Brady's troubles with the law. But the most interesting storylines are the ones that involve Mel in one way or another.

In that sense, Lilly Anderson's arc is one of the ultimate fan favorites, as the character was a friend of Mel's and left her newborn baby with the Virgin River protagonist before her own death. As a result, many fans were convinced that Lilly's late husband, Buck, was Mel's biological father. And while audiences have long since moved on from that storyline, it still provides plenty of food for thought.

Cancer-Related Deaths

In case you've forgotten, both Lilly and Buck died of cancer, though both were quite young and didn't really have any serious health problems. What's more, their daughters, Tara and Ava, have different health conditions. Under the circumstances, it is no wonder that it might seem suspicious. The theory is that the characters developed their illnesses because of ecological problems.

It may sound like a stretch, given Virgin River's picturesque location and complete lack of industrial facilities, but there's a very logical explanation. The Andersons' farm was near the pot plantations.

Damaged Environment

There's no evidence that Lilly and Buck got cancer from marijuana itself. As neighbors of a pot farm, the Andersons may have been regularly poisoned by the pesticides used to grow the plant. The chemicals could have entered the local aquifer or soil and ended up in the characters' food and water.

Remarkably, there was a case of pesticide poisoning on the Virgin River. Jeb and his family require medical attention after pesticides leak into their water system. Fortunately, they were treated properly and recovered quickly. But it had a detrimental effect on the Anderson family.

Ultimately, this is just a theory. But hopefully you will agree that it is suspicious that both Lilly and Buck had cancer and that the entire family has serious health problems. Perhaps this will be addressed in the new season, as drugs continue to be a major storyline on the show.