The Blacklist Cheats Its Way Out of Series Finale, Repeats Lost's Biggest Fail

The hit show jumped the shark with its ending.
NBC's The Blacklist was a huge hit for the network for a decade, as people fell in love with James Spader's Raymond Reddington from the very first episode. Spader really sold the idea that Red was the most fearsome criminal mastermind the world had ever seen, and fans binge-watched the show for the past decade for one reason — to learn more about its enigmatic antihero.
And even though the last four seasons of The Blacklist dropped off quite a bit in quality, viewers were still pretty excited to see the final episode. But their hopes were dashed.
The thing is, even though Red had been on the show for exactly 217 episodes before the finale, people still didn't really know anything about him because he was a mystery that no one could crack. We didn't know Red's background or true identity, which was a big reason why The Blacklist was so compelling to watch.
Fans were fully expecting to learn the truth about him in the finale, as even the show's official Twitter page promised to finally spill the tea on Red's origins at the end of the series.
However, it looks like the writers simply forgot about their promise to reveal the identity of the series' main character. Instead of giving him and the fans some satisfying closure, they killed Red off jokingly with a runaway bull. Yes, with a bull — you heard right.
'Remember that tweet promising hints about Red's true identity? Well, guess what? It turned out to be a complete lie. They built up this whole mythology only to toss it aside without a second thought. We were left with nothing, no hints, no answers, absolutely nothing,' a disappointed fan lamented on Reddit.
It appears that The Blacklist just repeated the same mistake that Lost made all those years ago by refusing to give fans answers to the questions that were raised throughout the show.
After such a disastrous and cheap finale, it's unlikely that people will ever really watch The Blacklist again, as the writers simply betrayed the show's fandom, and something like that will not be forgiven by die-hard followers of Red and his story.
Source: Reddit.