The Biggest Reason Good Omens Fans Still Not Over Season 2 Ending

The Biggest Reason Good Omens Fans Still Not Over Season 2 Ending
Image credit: Amazon Studios

The Aziraphale and Crowley romance has fans on opposite sides of the barricades.

It's been almost a full month since Neil Gaiman and Amazon Prime treated fans to the highly acclaimed second season of Good Omens. This season's story was more intimate and on a smaller scale than the Armageddon scare of Season 1, and it made viewers feel all kinds of emotions and is still on their lips and in heated discussions.

If you haven't watched Season 2 of Good Omens yet, please do so. And then come back to this article, as we plan to have no limit on spoilers.

Season 2 was more about romance than anything else. While we watched Michael Sheen's Aziraphale and David Tennant's Crowley unravel the mystery of Archangel Gabriel's missing memory, which turned out to be the result of a love affair with Beelzebub, another much more intriguing and larger romantic story was developing in the background.

Of course, we aren't talking about Nina and Maggie, as cute as they were. We are referring to the last 15 minutes of Season 2, which first made our hearts skip a beat and then broke them when Crowley confessed his love to Aziraphale and gave him the most steamy kiss — but then the angel made it clear he prioritized his duty to Heaven over his relationship with Crowley.

After The Bear & Good Omens, Here Are 10 Shows to Watch NextWhile many Good Omens fans, who have been shipping Crowley and Aziraphale for years, cheered the idea of the two finally getting together, some viewers were quite surprised by the sudden romantic twist. According to the fans, the new development puts everything that has happened before into perspective — but it actually makes perfect sense.

'I could always feel their bond and there was always something special to their friendship, but I kind of thought they're besties,' a fan wrote on Reddit. 'After watching the final minutes, I realised, "Oh yeah. Now it's obvious. This is definitely a love story. How did I not see this?"'

However, there are those who feel that the love confession ruined the dynamic between the protagonists.

'The charm of their interactions together was unique and appreciated as they were. Jamming a romance in that was uncalled for and unrealistic, just felt dumb,' another fan wrote.

Fans who support this point of view fear the possibility of Aziraphale and Crowley losing their easy banter and comfortable dynamic once their relationship shifts. But could that actually happen? The angel and the demon have been each other's anchor for 6,000 years, so it would be really hard to change their chemistry.

Season 3, should it happen, will show how Neil Gaiman handles the new developments. And we're sure all sides of the conflict will love it.

Source: Reddit.