TBBT's Worst Plot Twist Came Out of Nowhere to Ruin It All

TBBT's Worst Plot Twist Came Out of Nowhere to Ruin It All
Image credit: CBS

Sometimes, an idea is best left on the cutting room floor. This was an example of just that.

Much of the criticism leveled at The Big Bang Theory is retrospective and relies on viewing the show through the lens of today. But this storyline came in for stick the moment it was first broadcast. Of course, the plot twist in question is Leonard cheating on Penny.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – did it really ruin everything? You could argue that it didn’t, what with the show continuing for another four seasons after the indiscretion was revealed and Penny and Leonard eventually getting hitched anyway.

But it was a badly constructed plot twist that was unnecessary and couldn’t be undone.

What Makes it So Bad

The major reason it was so bad was that it was just a plot device introduced for the sole purpose of dragging out the story of their relationship. They were engaged a full season earlier at the end of season 7, and there was precious little for the duo to do over the course of season 8. The whole 'will-they-won't-they' thing had already been overcooked by this point, and the show clearly didn't need more of the same.

The fact that it was used this way fed into its overall failure, though. It was a plotline that felt like it had no real place in the show's overall direction. And while there's no problem with bit-part storylines in sitcoms, this was one hell of a big story to play such a small part.

It felt weak, forced, and badly thought out.

Out of Character for Leonard

No, I'm not referring here to the fact that Leonard was way out of his league with Penny and unlikely to do anything to upset the apple cart. Kissing another woman just felt like something geeky Leonard wouldn't do, regardless of whether or not he'd been drinking.

Keeping it quiet for so long – especially when there were previous opportunities to come clean – was definitely out of character. It didn't ruin their relationship or create any long-lasting negativity around Leonard. That was in part because there was enough doubt about his motives, which was another reason the whole story was completely unnecessary.

Not All Was Lost

In the end, it was a risk the showrunners got away with. Had this plot twist been handled differently, it could have changed the show's dynamic. As it was, they got away with it mainly because it never really felt as though it was in any way connected to the main story.